No ammonia for cycling


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I bought the $32 kit for testing and so far have not located any ammonia. Will probably go out again searching tomorrow. Question: I read Iggy's plan and everyone's comments on cycling I could find and they talk about "seeding". Can I take a gallon of water from a goldfish pond and use that? What about putting a couple of goldfish in if I can't find pure ammonia? If I find the ammonia, it still isn't clear to me if after I get the reading up to 5ppm is the goal to keep it at 5ppm until the nitrates come up or am I suppose to keep adding the same amount of ammonia every day that it took to get it 5ppm? It would seem to me that could get it even higher at first. (I have a 16 gallon tank)

Feb 27, 2009
I bought pure ammonia at Walgreens the other day. Just make sure it has no fragrance (there was lemon scented next to the plain one at my local store). If you don't have Walgreens around, most pharmacy type places have it. A 1 liter bottle was 65cents.

If you can get gravel or rocks from the goldfish pond, that will help. Very little n-bacteria lives in the water, so using a gallon of pond water won't help much.

Keeping goldfish in so small a tank would not be a humane thing to do. They need 20 gallons at a minimum for the first goldfish, and 10 gallons for each additional goldfish.

These instructions work well and are clear: How to Do a Fishless Cycle - wikiHow


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thank you for the quick reply. I meant "nitrites" not "nitrates" There seems to be so many different instructions about adding the ammonia. It is still unclear between Iggy's and these last ones about how much and when. You get the ammonia level to 5ppm and then keep it there or just wait without adding anything?? And when the nitrites show, aren't you suppose to keep adding the ammonia to keep the bacteria growing and if so why would you stop measuring the ammonia level?? Am I not understanding this??

Feb 27, 2009
You will need to keep feeding ammonia DAILY to the n-bacteria, so that the bacteria that works to convert ammonia to nitrite stays healthy. Measure it at first and you will see how much you need to add to make the level read 5ppm ammonia. Once you see nitrite, you will see a drop in ammonia, so you will not be able to keep it at 5ppm anymore. Just use the same amount you were using to reach that 5ppm in ammonia.

Once you have nitrite, the ammonia level should be zero or close to it most of the time, as that bacteria colony is already established, so there is no need to test for it. Basicly, you are feeding the ammonia-to-nitrite bacteria and it quickly does its job to removing ammonia and giving you nitrites.

You then just test for nitrites until you see those levels spike and begin to fall. At that point, your bacteria colony is about complete, since the ammonia you have been adding is consumed quickly, and ammonia becomes nitrite, which becomes nitrate. You will see nitrates climb and the ammonia and nitrite remaining zero.

Then do a big water change to bring nitrates under 20, stop adding ammonia, and start stocking your fish. Just go slow so you don't overload the ecology, and you will be good :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I just came back from town and still no ammonia. The plan for fishless cycling is starting to die. Using goldfish at .10 and .20 cents each is looking more and more a possibility and I may start looking up a plan for that.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I had a hard time finding ammonia as well until I went into a chain grocery store called Save-On-Foods but I think these are only in Canada.

At the stores you went to did you ask an employee if they had any ammonia? That is what I had to do. On my second trip to the store I asked and I guess I missed it last time I was in the store.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Oh, I did find ammonia, but it all had surfactant in it and most also was lemon. I ask the pharmacist and he had not ideas. I suppose a high school lab could make some, but I don't know anyone in high school anymore.

Feb 27, 2009
I guess different parts of the country or world have different items for sale. I ran some errands today and found pure ammonia twice in the stores I visited (for other items).

It was listed as 'Contractors Cleaning Ammonia' at the hardware store and 'Just Ammonia' at the pharmacy. In both stores they had scented (lemon in both and the pharmacy had 'Fresh Spring Scent' also), but the 'plain' ammonia was cheaper.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
OC, without any ammonia, could Thyra 'seed' the tank with good goo (if her lfs is nice enough to give/sell her some gravel or plants or filter media from a healthy established tank) and put that into the heated tank for a few days? Would that create a cycled tank?

Feb 27, 2009
It would speed up the cycling process, but without a constant source of ammonia, the good bacteria brought in would die quickly.

I say, stuff the tank full of plants! Silent Cycling Rules!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What about pouring the water from my Beta bowl into the aquarium when I clean him?? I've had him for over a year and he is quite healthy. My husband is continuing the search for ammonia on his way to and from work today so I haven't completely given up.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Walgreens had "Clear Ammonia", but somewhere I read it shouldn't foam when shaken and this does although it definitely says,"Clear Ammonia" on the label. My husband said labels on both the clear and Lemon said exactly the same thing "Ammonium Hydroxide (SAS 1336-21-6) Perfume and Dye. Contains no Phosphores" There is nothing about surfactant and there is no manufacturer or anyplace else to call. Should I use it???


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thanks for all your responses. I looked back, OC, you were the one that bought your ammonia at Walgreens. I am wondering if it is the same as mine and if so if it has the same label. Although under "active ingredients" it says Perfume and Dye, I can plainly see there is no dye in it and it certainly doesn't smell like anything but ammonia. I can't find who mentioned it shouldn't foam when shaken - does your bottle foam when shaken?? I have wasted pretty much of a week with this, there is none in Yelm, and Olympia is 30 miles away and I've made two trips.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am about to give up. I have spent more than a week at this and am no closer. I just called all the fish stores I could find in Olympia. One insisted I would ruin the aquarium even without the fish, the other hadn't heard of it, and the last one said he had been doing aquariums for 20 years, had heard of it, but said there were easier ways to do it. I have research ammonia, called the pharmacists and the store managers and because of the way this bottle I have is labeled, I can't be sure it is pure.