your loss
i have lost my grandad 3 yrs ago this year october 15th and yes the pain is now bearable but christmas always brings me to burn a candle and also on his anniversary..
my grandads favourite band believe it or not was ub40 and im 33 i go clubbing alot in dover and red red wine is a regular that is played alot at the end of the night my heart still aches but yes it does become bearable he was 86 and had a wicked personality..
then i losy my first ever boss who was a complete nutter but lovely and to watch him deterioate was devasting a lively soul to some one who did not know who i was..
so guys i am now trying to raise £3,700 by july next year so i can walk the GREAY WALL OF CHINA..
which so far i have raised £1000 with help of some brillant friends we have done a fancy dress night i have also had a organised night at a hall in Dover we had a karakoe competition prizes for the winners we had arm wrestling comp for men and women eat as many cream crackers in 1 minute we had a brillant raffle auctioned a friend of mine to clean for 2 hrs a women bought him for £40..
and lots more fun through the night..
so the moral is im having lots of fun raising the money doing the challenge and doing good for a cause that millions of people can relate too..
so eveyone out there just get out there and have the fun and reap the beautiful benefits im getting for doing this for my sweet and wonderful gradad and my boss...xxxxxxxxxx
when i have raised the money i will be treking for 10 days wow wee
i will meet the locals and meet wonderful people no doubt on the way.xxxxx