In my case, the camelanus worms were visable to the naked eye, and verified with a microscope. So, your fish would most likely have shown some worms upon a necropsy. (that's why I believe that your fish don't have worms, at least not camelanus)
I would do a water change, add carbon to remove any meds from water before switching treatment (I'm sure you know this, but I'm putting it in for other future readers just in case). If its bacterial, I have no idea for meds, but I'm curious as to whether garlic might help, and you're already feeding them that. In humans, it is a mild anti-bacterial.
You should start a new thread with TB in the title. Hopefully, someone else with knowledge about treatment will reply. Has anyone at this forum ever contacted a specialist? I'm not sure what the technical term for a fish biologist is called, but it would be really cool if we could find one to help.
Best of luck-let us know how its going.