Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
octopi(i think thats the right plural form) are way to cool to be used as feeders in my opinion....but that is an if u would rather watch an octopus that cool looking getting devoured instead of taking care of one then be my guest.... : (


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Blue ring octopus are deadly, their bit is venomous and is the deadliest venom known to man without any antidote I believe. At least I think I read that somewhere. I am not sure why someone would stage that show but it is really a shame, I can't believe it is necessary to feed mantis live bait like that. Not something that I think is ethical at all.......poor things.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
Lorna said:
Blue ring octopus are deadly, their bit is venomous and is the deadliest venom known to man without any antidote I believe. At least I think I read that somewhere. I am not sure why someone would stage that show but it is really a shame, I can't believe it is necessary to feed mantis live bait like that. Not something that I think is ethical at all.......poor things.
yea your right those octopus's can kill 26 people with ease and there isn't any antidote so dont get close to one unless your ready to die lol
btw my lfs had a few of these octopus i got this info off the PINK slip you had to sign saying you are here by taking this fish/invert knowing that it can kill 26 people ect,
but there cool octopus!!


ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Do research before making statments...

How did i miss this thread? First off to clear up the confusion of the "poor octopus" this was done in a lab in a universety by proffesionals. Dr. Roy, one of the worlds leading experts on octopi and mantis shrimp was studying how the mantis could eat such a toxic creature. There are two theories, 1. the mantis beats the venom out of the octopus, 2. they have built up an immunity to it. The mantis shrimp ended up eating the octopus without any ill effects. And who ever brings up the intelligence subject, Dr. Roy has found that mantis shrimp are just as intelligent if not more intelligent. Unlike octopi mantis shrimp can communicate with one another using polroized light, many of the signals they use are very complex. Also mantis shrimp are able to recognize other individual mantis shrimp through out their lives.

And on the note of the .22 caliber bullet subject, this is only half true. This was only recorded once and it was done by an 8" male peacock mantis shrimp.
Out of the over 500 species of mantis shrimp only about 5 species can do this, only 1 is sold in the aquarium trade. And to add more most of the 500 species are less that 4" long, or are spearers.

Now on the subject of spearers, They cannot break aquarium glass, and speed has only a little to do with it, peacocks are faster than most spearers if not all of them, and spearers rarely spear their prey, they cature it just like a praying mantis does. Also spearers are collected by people sticking their hands down the burrows, they rarely strike during this and if they do it is with a close dactyl.

Hopefully people that read this can now know what they are talking about before making statments before saying somthing like " be carful! all mantis shrimp can stike with the force of a .22 caliber bullet".

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