I'm new to this forum, so just want to add my two cents worth...
I know it can hard when someone rubs you the wrong way to disagree calmly and respectfully, and sometimes it's better to just not reply at all. I see no reason why anyone should be banned from any forum simply because they disagree with another poster. What a dull world this would be if everyone agreed! It HOW we disagree that can make the difference.
Every forum has a whole bunch of nice people on it and one or two (sometimes more) who are consistently rude. I find it's best to ignore them than to respond to them. And to set the example by always being polite though honest.
I've learned over the years that some people just can't be reasoned with, so there's no point in trying. Some folks are so closed-minded in their viewpoints that no amount of information to the contrary is going to sway them.
On the other hand, we can learn a lot by listening to what others have to teach us. I try to keep an open mind, but I still have my ways of doing certain things that work best for me.
We're all different.
As for crayfish, I have a 20-gallon-high coldwater tank, and would like to keep dwarf crayfish. However, I'm thinking of waiting until I get my new 65-gallon set up and cycled. And they would have to be peaceful crays, as I have dojos and plan to get more (for the larger tank).
Can anyone tell me if dwarf crays are relatively docile?
-- luckydojosmom