ORA Crazy!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
I have the same kind as you got matt, mine isn't doing great.. I think i need to put it more in the flow stream.. 1 branch has died in a month or so.. i have it as high up in the tank as i can get it so i dunno.. I really liked it when i got it but now that i have all my zoas going on i really don't care lol..

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I have the same kind as you got matt, mine isn't doing great.. I think i need to put it more in the flow stream.. 1 branch has died in a month or so.. i have it as high up in the tank as i can get it so i dunno.. I really liked it when i got it but now that i have all my zoas going on i really don't care lol..
Haha thats how i am with some pieces, the cheaper pieces its just kinda like eh....as long as my PPEs are doing good...

My birdsnest is in direct flow.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Nice pics. I noticed on one of your pics you have some shiney blackish bubbles growing on one of your frags. I have some just like that growing on my LR. Is that bad?
bubble algae is BAD... i dont think itll hurt anything but it can spread really fast and take up valuble realestate! u shoud defintly nip it in the bud before it gets outa hand...


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
There are two types. Seriatopora hystrix which is the sharper tipped variety and then the Seriatopora guttatus which is what the green birdsnest is. I want some S Hystrix, good looking stuff when it grows into colony size.

I believe TRe has some hystrix of a certain color.

ive got both kinds!
heres my pink birdsnest, this is a pic when i first got it, its growth a little since than ;)

heres one of my green birdsnest'

heres the other piece i got (both from differant people but still ORA)