Since petsmart is my main lfs, i buy many fish from there. I bought 2 Oscars (tiger+albino). I noticed that when it came it had cotton like little flim on their eye. THen i one day it seemed like it had been scratched or something and lost their skin and white cotton like substance hanging or growing on top of it. Its now about 4 days past and those parts keep comming onto different places of their body. I thought it was some fungus so I bought a API fungas care powder packets. I poured them in and now my tank is green from the powder. Does this sound like fungus? I need help. Im doing normal routines as usual.
10% water changes once a week wiht gravel cleaner. Tanks cycled and good water parameters. No other fish in the tank...(75 Gallon)
I want these oscars to be healthy. Please help me..
10% water changes once a week wiht gravel cleaner. Tanks cycled and good water parameters. No other fish in the tank...(75 Gallon)
I want these oscars to be healthy. Please help me..