i have been here 2 months posted 100+ times dont think they were all what you are discribing.... i was ask to join. thanks for your coment ORIN i will take that into consideration. alter 40 you made three backhanded coments to me before i jumped you. Katie217... " tells me your doing something wrong."
Big Vine... Who said anything about a 5 ft. tank? thost too were a little back handed.... 6.000 posts between the two of you makes me go hummmm. oh well enough said.... back to the cichlid forum i guess... may post some pictures of my 15 tanks before i exit left laughing
Big Vine... Who said anything about a 5 ft. tank? thost too were a little back handed.... 6.000 posts between the two of you makes me go hummmm. oh well enough said.... back to the cichlid forum i guess... may post some pictures of my 15 tanks before i exit left laughing