Otocinclus breeding achieved (Again)

Feb 27, 2009
the last time I didn't realize they were something special, they were just another catfish to me, I figured they must be as easy to breed as cories since I did about as much work to make them breed ( Read; zero).
I'm really surprised the fish store you said you were selling them to didn't mention it. It's very rare indeed.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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I'm really surprised the fish store you said you were selling them to didn't mention it. It's very rare indeed.
at the time they were selling the little buggers for $3.49 each, so I got like $1-$1.50 store credit too. They didn't bat an eye at me bringing in otos, cories, baby plecos, guppies, goldfish, convicts or labs. They only seemed surprised when I brought my van with 100 bettas in cups.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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thats a lot to go to one store at once
well, they told me they would take as many bettas as I would be willing to let go of for $1.00 each store credit for veils and $1.50 for crown-tails and double tails (that was the wholesale cost at the time). When I showed up with 60 crown-tails, 10 double-tails and 30 veil-tails, all around an inch long, they were both pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised. I had another 2 stores to stop at, they just got first dibs on fish as part of our agreement.

I can't find our 10 MP camera and no matter what I do I cannot get shots of these little guys to show up with my camera phone. They seem very active, darting in and out of the edge of the java moss in very jerky motions. I am doing a water change today. I fed them a pre-soaked high protein algae wafer, of a brand I have seen both loaches and otos eat, so either way they are getting something.

my only concerns are that I currently have 2 fish showing signs of distress even though my chemical readings are good. I think I might return them to the pet store tonight, since it is petsmart and I am still within 14 days.

I think if these are otos, they might have been breeding multiple times, but the minnows I had could have been eating the eggs. Especially since the eggs were laid on a rock that the minnows used to guard ferociously for no reason.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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My oto fry were 1/4 inch at hatching and looked like exactly like little otos, shape-wise.
Cones, this is gonna sound like an odd question....did you have driftwood in your tank when you bred otos? It feels like I am asking a nascar driver if he likes the smell of burning rubber, but it seemed like a valid question.

I have had this same piece of driftwood in both tanks that I bred otos in. It is a piece of VERY hard african wood, of a variety that isn't available anywhere anymore as far as I know ( I head it is now an endangered or nearly extinct species). I used it in my pleco breeding tank too. looks similar to this but redder and darker. Similar piece of slate on bottom and similar shape/size though http://www.aquariumguys.com/driftwood4.html

I have been formulating a theory that in reality, otos need driftwood like some plecos do, because I have always had success with otos if they had driftwood in the tank. Mine practically live on the driftwood and I can see small channels where they are scraping food particles off of it.

(on another note, wouldn't it be hilarious if 2 casual fish lovers unlock the master secret to these little buggers just on a crapshoot?....lol)


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
If you haven't already you might want to look up how to treat oto's for ich. I think cause of there skin you have to treat carefully and differently for them.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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yeah, you use aquarium salt, high heat and low dose melafix.

the high heat is working in speeding up the life cycle though, more dots have appeared on one of the infected fish, meaning it will burn out very soon.

Tank 88 degrees. All fish except 1 very sickly guppy are very active.

Feb 27, 2009
I have been formulating a theory that in reality, otos need driftwood like some plecos do, because I have always had success with otos if they had driftwood in the tank. Mine practically live on the driftwood and I can see small channels where they are scraping food particles off of it.
The only driftwood I've ever had is wood that I have found and cured myself. Mine hang out on the driftwood if there is algae or biofilm on them, otherwise, they stay with the plants and glass.

The tank my otos spawned in had no driftwood. They spawned on Hygrophilia corymbosa 'angustifolia,' narrow-leaf java fern and several anubias leaves.

I culture greenwater and have tried to get algae to grow on the glass in the tank. Because the plants are so well established, I find it hard to get algae to grow in planted tanks. I grow algae on wood and rocks in the windowsill and swap them out with pieces in the tank as they are cleaned of algae. Today I'm going to get some more rocks, as they clean them in less than 2 days and it takes longer than 2days to get a good coating of algae on the window sill rocks. Seems to take about a week so I'll pick up 3 more piles to leave in the window sill.

I've not seen ich since my saltwater days with fish I caught myself, knock on wood. Stress is an easy way to get it, sadly.

Be sure to turn up aeration if you've raised the temperature.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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well, the black tuxedo guppy was found dead before today's water change. One of the platies has a large white spot on her tail where she is missing some scales and another platy has clamped fins, but the rest of the ich disappeared overnight.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
yes i know, i just had to say it, sorry :p.

i know its really impossible to take pics of fry for first weeks, I had to wait whole 3 weeks to get pics of my goldfish fry, otherwise the pic just wouldn't make any sense.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
haha. i lost my camera in pouch for 2 days , i was absolutely gobsmacked because i knew the cam cannot get lost. then i suddenly, when doing laundry, in laundry bag, i see it at the bottom. FACEPALM MOMENT!!.

so check laundry bag or unusual place :p.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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Well, after spending nearly 25 minutes observing the feeding habits and the swimming of my fry, I am pretty confident that they are actually Java Loaches AKA black kuhlis.

I am starting a new thread about it in the breeding section, please ignore this one.

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