overflow box (weir type)


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
there only $30???dam i should have bought one...

not even worth the trouble and mine looks like crap...

finished glueing it last night and was checking on leaks this morning.
found some w8ing for it to dry again.

not even sure it its going to work...

i also finishen my sump. just installed 6 baffles. to my 6g

*the silicone that petsmart sells smells like gym socks...*

w8ing 2 days until its fully dry.

i still have to get the tubing for the system...


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
almost done just letting the glue dry...

i got a 4' tube 1" wide for the drain
and a 5' tube 1/2" wide for the pump.

not sure how im going to get the siphon started...
i was testing it out and seems really hard...

if it doesnt work then its fine i'll try again later...
i just found out that i used plexiglass...switching to acrylic soon...Lexan i think.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
ok my weir failed...and the worst part is that the return flow flooded my floor (new carpet + new house) :(

i decided to abandon this project for now. or until i get a weaker powerhead.

cant spend another $50 yet.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
thats really sux but i dont understand how your return flooded??? was it just to much water or was there a leak??? was it the return inside the sump leaking???or was it the return line???


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
well the return pump suxed everything back by the process of siphon when i found out y my main tank was losing water the sump overfilled...that was my bad...i stuck the return tube too deep into my tank.

but my carpet cleaner spray did the job. so im happy


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
lol sorry

to put it simply the return flow reversed on me.

quick question is Lexan a good brand since plexiglass gets yellow/brittle/weak...ect over time

i cant find acrylite.....

Polycarbonate is good too right?


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
TRe said:
not sure how this happend...lol tell me what you did wrong so i dont do it
it was really dumb but i turned on the return pump and c if everything goes well then i...turned it off...so gravity pushed the water back down...by the process of siphon.

make sure to look at all your tubing and predict wats going to happen. dont rush it like i did...


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
You have to measure how much water you are taking out of the main tank and make sure your sump can hold that if there is a power failure and your return stops. The siphon will drain your tank to the lowest point of water entry. In his case it was his return.

That’s why they invented check valves and/or ball valves. ;) If you notice a lot of drilled tanks that are drilled out the back are only an inch or two down from the top of the tank depending on the size of the tank. The return is almost always breaking the water surface at the top or close to it.

I would set up the overflow/return with ball valves for maintenance. Then when you’re setting it up lock the ball valves down and empty your sump. Then turn on the ball valves so the water will fill up the sump from the main tank. THEN turn on the return pump to put the water back into the tank and fill the sump up to the desired level. Once that is done, cut the power and see when the main tank drains from the siphon that your sump has enough room for all of the draining water. That way if you have a power outage, you won’t have the carpet problem.

The other problem with hang on overflow boxes is if you loose your siphon at the overflow your return has no way of stopping, so your main tank will overflow. That’s why it’s best to drill. I know it’s a pain to take everything out and start all over again, but it’s WELL worth it in my opinion. You can even possibly keep the tank cycled if you do it right. I have seen a couple people document doing it online with fish and corals still in the tank, even with glass tanks.

Drill it baby, drill it! *celebrate


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
"Typically, you will only have 2 or 3 gallons drain down when the pump is off, so make sure there is enough room in your sump to hold an extra 3 gallons or more. You can figure out how much room you have with this equation [measured in inches]: L x W x H / 231 = Total Gallons"

This is quoted from Melevsreef.com | Acrylic Sumps & Refugiums

Everything you ever needed to know about sumps and then some