
My neighbor has a 10g tank with the following:

2 Female Black Convicts
3 Corys(I think Bronze)

She does 2 50% wc's a week. One on monday and the other on friday! I think its overstocked. Also it is planted :confused: and they havent even ate the plants like I have researched! So overstocked? Yes? No?


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
Overstocked? Yes. Doable? Yes.

With good PWC's, and being planted, as long as the convicts aren't harrassing the other fish too much, then it could be alright. Just depends on the max size of the cories. If they are the smaller ones, then yes, it's doable. If larger, then possibly not.

Okay I was going to get ready to go over and yell at her but now we can just watch movies lol. She had just moved in and she had the tank and all the plants for about a year!!! The cories are about 2.5-3" and the Oto is max size. Convicts are about 5" each! Thanks for the quick replies!

I would love to get some cories but I am not too secure with adding fish at this time! It sounds like a challenge for me and I love challenges lol!

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Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
Yes, it's not doable for someone who doesn't have the experience. But that person seems to be knowlegable to not only have fish and do proper PWC's, but also has experience with taking care of a planted tank. So I would say doable to the right peron, and not doable for just anyone (the inexperienced).

Some have battered me for having 32 fish in a 26G. They say I surpass the 1 inch rule, lol. I say, the 1 inch rule is for the beginner, but as you gain experience and take proper care of the fish, and get fish that are compatable (proper research), I'm not overstocked whatsoever. In fact, I still have more room for either rasboras, neons, or cardinals, if I wanted to increase their numbers in the tank. :)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
hmm, i have a choice of getting one bigger tank and shutting the rest down or sticking with what i have and shutting 2 down. pretty unfair i think. but my mom has the 30g and my dad thr 55g. its a lot of work and money for them all


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Well, you say you have 6 years of experience, but you still ask constantly about what you can put in a tank, and now ask whether someone else's tank is overstocked. Maybe after 10 years, you'll have worked out how to stock a tank :)

It also seems to me that you're continually asking your mother to buy fish or equipment for you, and then selling off your stuff to other people. I certainly wouldn't want to support several tanks when that happens.

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