

Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I got a 10 gallon and it is over stocked but all the fish do well. no fighting water stays good. I say if u can get away with it do it. I got 2 dojo loaches both 6 inches long 2 danios out of 10. 1 neon out of 10 (Cycling problem---ignorance) 6 harliquin rasboras and 4 of something else like the rasboras. I know most of u think thats a bad thing but like I said I keep the water great and fish are healthy. havn't had a fish die for bout a year. and don't worry I'm getting a 55 gallon for christmas so they will have a bigger home and I will have alot more fish. I know it's going to be over stocked but if I can get away with it I will.

Lotus said:
Well, you say you have 6 years of experience, but you still ask constantly about what you can put in a tank, and now ask whether someone else's tank is overstocked. Maybe after 10 years, you'll have worked out how to stock a tank :)

It also seems to me that you're continually asking your mother to buy fish or equipment for you, and then selling off your stuff to other people. I certainly wouldn't want to support several tanks when that happens.
Most of my old equpiment was stuff I bought. She was forcing me to sell it! I buy my own fish, I am on this thing of being independent but I still have to go to her for some things. She also says that in order for me to be independent I need to be dependent to an extent. She is my paycheck every month and so I am dependent on her and the money lol. Im not too for sure about stocking with cichlids...that is way out of my catergory! lol. I understand though how it seems I am just selling off my stuff to other people, but I guess its one of those things that you have to be here to understand!

MAHA-IDK. Exclamation points are one of the things that keep me awake during the day so seeing them makes me lively.

Oh and Lotus. Most of my 6 years were spent with researching and laeraning so I guess its more like 2-3 years of experience lol!!


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
I'm not sure how old you are but...

when you finally move out and get a job that can support yourself..then you can get as many tanks as you want.

until then, I think you should just save up your money and make do with what you have and maybe plan out/research your "dream tank" in the meanwhile.

Most of the work involved in fish keeping is planning, research, and preparation anyways. I spend maybe 30 mins a week doing WC but I'm always reading up on fish and fish maintenance.