So, I've been having the urge to try taking care of red clawed crabs for quite some time now, and I can finally put my plan into action. I finally got my hands on a ten gallon tank with a screened top for them, and I'm just using plexyglass to divide the land from the water. My goal is to give it a more natural look, so I'm thinking about making a rock wall about as tall as the plexyglass barrier to disguise it. on the land side, I will probably fill it with sand or a rock and sand mixture because I've heard that RCC's like to burrow in sand. I am probably going to put a few big shells on the sand to give it a "beachy" look, and provide shelterfor the crabs. I've already got a tetra wisper filter (looks exactly like a turtle filter) rated for ten gallons, which is good considering it will be in only about 3 gallons of water. so on the water side I'll probably get some kind of root decoration or something so that they can crawl out of the water onto the root and hide underwater. This is just an idea so I'm open to any more suggestions, acctually, I want suggestions Also, any tips on keeping crabs?