Paludarium Journal


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Well, I'm still planning but like I said before, I'm going to aim for a look like this - 10 gallon paludarium - Paludariums - Aquatic Plant Central but I'm going to have 2 waterfalls instead of 1. It will be made with foam, epoxy, and paint with sand on it. It will most likely have a sand substrate and lots of plants. I will carve out places behind the foam for filters and maybe make a system for the heater so I can circulate water. It's hard to describe but I'm still trying to find the best look for me, so I'll post my drawings when I perfect them. I don't know how much water will be in there, but I'm assuming the surface area for the bottom will be 20 by 6 or 7, so do you think it would be safe to have 4 peppered corys? thanks for the site. I'll definately use it for ideas!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Well, I guess I'll just post pictures. the drawing are bad and kind of confusing so I'll explain it as well. The first picture is the front view. The darkened lines are all the things you will actally see, while the light colored lines are sort of the guts (inside sorry I had to use a word that put a disturbing picture in you head ;) Anyways, the darkened line at the top is the top of the foam structure, the two lines in the middle are a "shelf" that is going to be the land area, and the darkened square with lines is a square cut in the foam for the intake of my big filter. You can see the rest of the filter rising up behind the foam and a little slit for a waterfall outtake. the thingy right next the the intake square is a crude drawing of a heater :eek: and the thing nest to it is the other smaller filter. there is tubing rising up behind the foam and out the hole making a smaller waterfall. In the very center of the picture is a light colored line which shows a "bowl" sort of thing for puting in some soil ( 1 inch).
Now to the second picture.*thumbsups This is the side view. The vertical line to the left is the thickness of the foam wall and you can see the filter in it's place behind the wall. the wierd squareish thing near the bottom is suppose to be the other filter.:p the shelf in the middle looks really wierd because the shelf does not go strait across. I will make more sense when you move on the the third picture. soo...
the third picture! this is the top view, with the front of the tank pointing down. you can see that the foam wall starts at four inches thick on the right and gradually goes down to three on the left. this is just because the big filter is really bulky. also the shelf gradually gets smaller going from left to right which is just to create moe water surface area. the largest and the smallest squareish circleish things in the self are going to contain the 1 inch of dirt, and the circular thing in between them is going to be a shallow pool fed by the small waterfall. the rest is just the outline of the filters and the heater. Sorry about the REALLY onlg post but my drawings are very hard to understand. I am thinking about possibly joining a different forum (probably aqariuacentral) because myfishtank doesnt seem to have as many paludarium people. I'm not saying I'm quitting this forum, I'll still do lots of posting and stuff, but just to get some of my questions answered. Thanks for bearing with me!!*twirlysmi



Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I'm actually going to try fire bellied toads when I get this set up, but thanks! Is your paludarium one with a land,water divider, or is it just like driftwood and rocks sticking out of the water?

Oh and I'm probably going to start building in January sometime.