Panicking fish, Panicking ME!!!!!

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Enough with me fretting over this. The 7 fish I have in the 10 gallon tank seem to have plenty of room. They don't fight or anything. I don't see the need to keep the amount of fish that low. If the tank looks crowded, I can move a few or get another tank (which I will for the babies when they get bigger). Summary of this whole thing - Why do the fish need so much space???


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
For one thing, as of now, you have no idea of your water quality because you have yet to test it. More fish produce waste faster than the beneficial bacteria can deal with it. Secondly more fish need more oxygen. They also need room just to be normal fish and move at the speed and manner for their species. If you just want to splash in the water, a kiddies pool worked okay, but once you learned to swim, it wasn't big enough and even if you got a pool 2 or 3 feet deep and 10 feet in diameter, there wasn't enough room in that for you to really swim let alone have room for a friend. You actually could swim, but you weren't happy. You would want something you could really do laps in - in fact the beach looked like a better deal!

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Okay, the fungus is all gone, I am about to do a water change, the babies just need to get a little bigger before they can't be eaten, and all the fish are doing fine! My tank is a success! (I just need a place to put the babies when they grow up, but right now, the tank is doing just fine!)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
What did you end up treating the fungus with?

Also I think what everyone is trying to say is that your fish may not be showing signs of stress or discomfort, but having an overstocked tank will have long term consequences for your fish.
They may survive for a time (months, etc) but I doubt they will have a long/normal lifespan. (Most)Fish should live for years....unfortunately, the fish trade isn't developed to support that notion.

My suggestion would be upgrade your tank (as soon as possible) and in the meantime do frequent water changes and test your water so you can see what's going on. That is just my advice!