Pics of my 12 Bettas

By popular demand (of 2 people, 1 constantly pestering me (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)) i am finally showing all 12 pictures of my bettas... my pictures are like crap style cause i dont have enough time to take good pictures of them. the bottom is dirty cause i always take my pictures when i wash up their tanks. the first 4 bettas are in very old pictures, the 2 after that are semi recent while the last 6 bettas are more recent and were taken in beanie baby cases so they are more brighter..if you want to see a different pictures of the same betta, tell me, i have millions (literally) pictures of them...i will post my pictures in the order of how i got them...i used to have 2 more bettas, but then they died, so now i have these 12. happy! oh and i DO name my bettas, if you have a problem with it then dont look at it!

1. This is Green Sunshine


lol, well actually, i think Alexa has even more than me. i dont remember the exact number, but im pretty sure she has more adults. well, the last 6 bettas are from Trillium Bettas, so they look nicer than the others that were from different stores. Im going to breed Flippo with Sapphire, Nightmare with Twilight, and Salamandice with Namless, but who should i breed first? heh, so many questions! so little (well actually, plenty) of time...

hehe thanks guys!

fishkeeper: im not going to name nameless, pearl, ill wait until i have an opaque one to call that. Salamandice is actually a Yellow Salamander Betta, here i'll post another picture of him. but the breeder from where i got him has orange bettas. but they are quite costly, im planning to get a pair of oranges in the near future from him. thanks for the comment about Flippo's tail. hes a Double Tail, like Visidouble, but he doesnt have massive tails and the tail is connected, not 2 seperate lobes like Visidouble.

Thanks Angelfish! :D now if i can only find a female chocolate to pair with Green Sunshine. then i can take out the green in his children in a few generations...
