Pics of my 12 Bettas


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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do you have any trouble with the cellophanes in bowls?
after Casper got a minor fin rot in the bowl, Roni seem to have some minor fin rot in the bowl too... Iggy seems to say these light color fin betta can get rot easier than those dark color ones.
so now i'm just keeping Cas and Ron in a floating tank inside my 10gal, so they get better circulation.
i was hoping i could keep all my betta babies too - but i'm not sure if i should put them in bowls

well i have planned my betta breeding for 3/4 of a year now, so after my exams, i am hopefully, going to breed bettas. :) im most likely going to breed, Nightmare and Twilight, Salamandice and Nameless, and Flippo and Sapphire, as the first ones. unless i am able to get a nice chocolate female, i would breed Green Sunshine and try and breed out the green cause chocolates shouldnt be green. its sorta like mouldy chocolate *shivers*

lol, well, mint chocolate is green with brown dots, so it would be inverted. i have seen some people with chocolate females, but since they live in the states, i can get them unfortunately :( but if i gets me an imports liscense in the future, ill be sure to get a chocolate female if Green Sunshine is still around...cause then it'll be a few years later...