seastaar88 said:
pike are definilty rediculously huge. when i worked for the DEP, we seined three out of one river that were over three feet long!!!
Thats not too big for a pike either, Ive seen then go over 40 inches and close to 50.
little pike and pickerel make great tank fish as long as you do not have anything else in the tank that you do not mind disapearing into the esocids stomach. They are highly predatory. They are a blast to watch feed though. Got to have a cover over the tank though or they will jump out. Had a little 6 inch one I was gonna put in a tank but he jumped out of the bucket I had him in.
Bullhead are cool for fish tanks too, I had a few sunfish and bullhead in a tank till I went on vacation and came back and the person who was going to take care of them for me obviously didnt.
Thats an awsome looking tank you have there on the first page though, looks great.