pics of our 50g tiger barb and ghost shrimp set up

Jun 20, 2009
would it be ok to keep a group of around 12 glowlights with the 30 tiger barbs were putting in??

so over all we would have 12 glowlight tetra
10 tiger barbs
10 green tiger barbs
10 albino tiger barbs
5 siamese loaches
5 amano shrimp

Jun 21, 2008
30 tiger barbs @ 2 inches (conservatively) = 60 inches
5 siamese loaches (I'm assuming these are the same as a siamese flying fox) @ 5.5 inches = 27.5 inches
12 glowlight tetra @ 2 inches = 24 inches

So, that's about 112 inches of fish in a 50 gallon. We all know that the inch per gallon rule is an estimate, but that still seems to be pushing it to me. Also, I'm not sure about compatibility between the barbs and the tetras. It might be fine, I just don't know. I also don't know much about the siamese loaches or flying foxes or algae eaters or whatever they are, so I'd wait for more input on that. But, my initial reaction is that you'd be seriously overstocked. I'm not even sure 30 barbs is a good idea, unless they're like cichlids, which are often intentionally overstocked. Your original post said 18, which seems more reasonable. I'd wait for a barb expert though.

Jun 20, 2009
well i would of thought it was overstocked dismiss the tetras going for 21 barbs 7 of each 4 shrimp 4 cory's and 2 flying fox i know that might also be a little overstocked but we have an under gravel filter running 2 730lph power heads a hob filter 280lph and a fluval 404 external now so i think overstocking may be ok plus plenty of plants im no expert like but im hoping my more realistic fish stocking will be ok as i say though anyone help on this

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
stick with 18 tigers... if you want you can up it to 24MAX and then have some thing like cories or loaches... I don't recommend the flying foxes cause they are mean, especially towards each other when they get older and also don't eat algae as much when they get older. I personally would rather have some smaller loaches or cories.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah.. I wouldn't get emerald cories cause they can get pretty big... Ive seem some at least the size of my bigger tigers. I personally like panda cories the most but any common peppered cories will be okay I think.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I think that stocking would be fine. You could skip out on 7 of the green barbs and make a small 5-7 school of the tetras if you wanted, but not both. Tiger barbs are agressive, so make sure you only get fish that are able to protect themselves and add lots of hiding spots for the corycats.

The shrimp will likely get eaten with that stocking.

Jun 20, 2009
just a little update after everything going well decided to add a few more fishies.

so we went out today and bought 3 green tiger barbs as thats all that was there,
and a nice pair of peppered cory's

checked water first of course and ammonia and nitrites were fine.

also bought this its half a coconut shell with a strange plant growing on top wich looks cool anyone know what it is??

and got 5 more marimo balls......

anyway some pics-----

firstly fish:)

and 1 of the cory's blury lol

and the strange new plant lol

any ideas?????????? i aint got a clue never seen it before.....

and a few of my new marimo's wich i really like but i know there not to everyone's taste.

enjoy all and ill keep you posted ive started using liquid plant food now so hopefully my plants will bloom :)

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
looks kinda like baby tears but I don't know...The green tigers look cool... I have two in my school and they are also the largest.. so it's funny that they are different looking and also in charge...Be careful of adding fish so quickly.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
tank and fish look great. as unwritten said i would wait before adding anything more until you know your bio-load on your tank.
it can really be a pain in the @#$ ! im so overstocked but just means more work