Some new pics Dial up be very afraid....
other side
new additions
Not new just a nice shot
Stats...tank has been up since dec/05 120bls or so of marshall island live rock on a 6 inch deep sand bed. equipment is, two seio 820's an old aquaclear hob filter for water movement and carbon. a Aqua Remora pro skimmer and a 48" current usa outer orbit light(2x130w dual actinics and 2 x 150w mh) No sump YET...
livestock....frogspawn, torch, candycane/trumpet, toadstool, cabbage, favia, hydnophora,montipora digitata, purple and orange, bali slimer, open brain, tube or scroll coral, along with numerous mushrooms, blue/red/green/ pulsing xenia, alien eye zoas, green palythoas, green star polyps, hairy mushroom, a t.crocea and t.derasa clam, black cuke, peppermint shrimp, sally lightfoot, snails of all sorts...yellow tang, pair of percula clowns, pair bangaii cardinals, 6 line wrasse, coral beauty, diamond gobie
the 20 has a new pygmy angel, citron gobie, wheeler gobie along with a tiger pistol shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp & peppermint shrimp. This has a frogspawn, a sinularia, a toadstool green star polyps and mushrooms all over 50lbs of live rock,a cpr bakpak2 and 65w pc light.
I can't add another thing so now I will sit back and monitor everything.....


other side

new additions

Not new just a nice shot

Stats...tank has been up since dec/05 120bls or so of marshall island live rock on a 6 inch deep sand bed. equipment is, two seio 820's an old aquaclear hob filter for water movement and carbon. a Aqua Remora pro skimmer and a 48" current usa outer orbit light(2x130w dual actinics and 2 x 150w mh) No sump YET...
livestock....frogspawn, torch, candycane/trumpet, toadstool, cabbage, favia, hydnophora,montipora digitata, purple and orange, bali slimer, open brain, tube or scroll coral, along with numerous mushrooms, blue/red/green/ pulsing xenia, alien eye zoas, green palythoas, green star polyps, hairy mushroom, a t.crocea and t.derasa clam, black cuke, peppermint shrimp, sally lightfoot, snails of all sorts...yellow tang, pair of percula clowns, pair bangaii cardinals, 6 line wrasse, coral beauty, diamond gobie
the 20 has a new pygmy angel, citron gobie, wheeler gobie along with a tiger pistol shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp & peppermint shrimp. This has a frogspawn, a sinularia, a toadstool green star polyps and mushrooms all over 50lbs of live rock,a cpr bakpak2 and 65w pc light.
I can't add another thing so now I will sit back and monitor everything.....
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