yeah, i'll try and do that tonight when i get home. I'll get some more updated ones as i have added alot more fish in here, even my frontosa isn't even in these pictures. Also, i'll take some of my sw tank.
does anyone know what the black one is in the second pciture? havn't been able to id him.
Oh and the Yellow ones in the first picture, one is getting a really dark line on his dorsal fin, its kind of blue and his body looks like its changing colour but i am not sure cuz its been like that for a few months now.
THANKS... actually of course he is the one that has pretty much faded away to a very pale blue! figures.. if you like that one take a look at this guy, its not the picture of my guy but i grabbed one online so you could see. we call him mohawk guy because when he extends his dorsal fins it looks like a mohawk
Can you post a pic of your whole tank? I think I may use my fish getting sick as an excuse to rebuild my tank. The manager at my LFS is offering to refund me all my money and help me start over. Basically, one of the big things I did not know was the ornamental setup, I have a lot of decor for tropical fish not cichlids. I'd like to get some ideas of what I should put in there.
Thanks for the help*celebrate
The black one, the yellow one or the blue and red? The black one i am not sure which one he is, the yellow one is a melanochromis auratus and the blue and red one is a red top zebra.