Planning new tank


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I'm already planning my next tank (MTS :p ) and I think discus are beautiful fish and would like to create a tank for them. I am thinking about getting a 75 gallon with lots of plants and driftwood. I would also like to keep a shoal of cardinals and some cory cats. Any thoughts on how many of each??? The biggest tank I've ever had is my current 26 gallon, anything special I should know about large tanks? I haven't done much research on them yet but I do know that they like to be in groups. I plan on getting them when they are young, so 6 would be the minimum right? Could I keep 6 discus with 10-12 cardinals and 6-8 cory cats in a 75 gallon? Anyone have a better idea???

BTW, I probably won't get this tank for another year or two. I'm just trying to plan ahead and do my research now. I definitely want discus though :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sorry meant to reply to this last night.

75gal is a good size. As for the cardinals and cories, your numbers sound good to me. Both are good fish to be kept with discus.

Large tanks are easier to keep stable, however this does not mean you can slack off....especially with discus. Oh and something else to know about large tanks....i think you will find them much more enjoyable than smaller tanks, combine MTS and start clearing floorspace for that 120gal ;).

Yes, when young at least 6 discus. Keep up the water changes and the conditions stable (don't fidle with the ph to much). Give them a little TLC and they should be fine. You might already know they can get expensive, but if you really want them then go for it. I personally find them worth the money. Just make sure to start with good healthy fish.

I'd suggest you read this if you havn't already -