Please don't hate me...


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Awesome aak!! That's so they can get in, but not out. I did that with squirrels once. THey were living in my attic and I decided to do something about it, because animal control wouldn't do anything.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
hello; To catch kuhli loaches (and many other fish) I use two nets. One to heard them with the other usually stationary in a corner. With luck they will zoom near the stationary net and you may get them. It is still a chore. I have had to remove all of the hidding places as well.

On the feeding twice a day with an automatic feeder. That is the way they operate (at least the ones I have used). The mechanism is the same as those used in the battery powered wall clocks. They are geared to turn a complete 360 degrees every 12 hours so they dump food every 12 hours. That is why I suggested setting one up and adjusting the feeding rate ahead of time. It was necessary for me to find a food mix that did not clump and did not dump too much at once. The dump tube rotates to adjust how much food is scooped during each rotation. They do work, as I had to use them for ten months at a time on two different occasions. The batteries actually last almost as long in a feeder as in a wall clock. A bit less time, perhaps due to the increased drag. One one occasion I had to be away for three weeks straight. I put the lights on a timer and used the battery feeders. Did not lose any fish.

Your trip is of a fairly short duration. You will not really need to have them fed. No need to be concerned about a water change at all.

Mar 15, 2011
If that doesn't work you could try to do surgery on a plastic coke bottle.

Get a 20oz soda bottle
rince thoroughly
Cut the bottle top off about 2 inches down.
Invert to bottle top so that it's facing the bottom of the bottle and jam it into place.
Secure the edge of the new bottle top so it won't slip
Put food in bottom
lay in tank horizontally

It like a plastic bottle version of a crab trap.
I am going to give it a shot tomorrow. :)

I know logically I don't have to worry too much about being away. It's not long and they don't need to be fed, they will be fine without my OCD. :) It's just in my nature to obsess a little. *SUNSMILE*

I took my opaline gouramis to my LFS today. This morning I noticed that the other fish were getting stressed around them, and when I raised the lid to net some plant bits at the top the opalines rushed my honey red gourami. I watched them for a bit and everyone seemed peaceful, but a little more skittish around the opalines than previously. Better to be safe than sorry. :(

And one more thing... Is there any way to turn off those pictures across the top? I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love to see all the pretty fishes and interesting tanks but it's like I have this mental list in my head of all the ones I would love to have and it's getting bigger... and bigger... and bigger. *SICK*

Oct 29, 2010
Hi MotherOfGreatIntentions! Welcome to MFT! I agree with the others that you are not much overstocked, and your excellent care should mean no problems *thumbsups

If I could make one recommendation, I would suggest that you return the lampeyes to the LFS since you don't like them much and apparently they accept returns :)

This definitely isn't necessary, as your tanks are doing fine and will probably continue to do so. But it will open up a bit of space and reduce some crowding if it's something you're worried about ;)

Then you could shuffle your cories! If you really want to get on a fish-return jag you could try to get a school of about 4 to six of the same type of cory. They'd be happy campers :D

Also, as aakaak said, the mollies would be happier in the 26, so they could possibly be swapped for the neons, and ghost shrimp moved over as well.

So perhaps:

5 zebra danios
8 ghost shrimp
1 upside down catfish
4 to 6 panda cories or albino cories (or keep both and do three each!)
1 honey red gourami
3 kuhli loaches
3 yellow mollies

With 6 cories, this is 102% stocking. With four, 97%. Not bad at all!

3 rummy-nosed tetras
6 neon tetras
2 female guppies
4 ghost shrimp

And this stocking would be 108% which isn't bad either :)

Anyhow good luck with your tanks!

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