Hi MotherOfGreatIntentions! Welcome to MFT! I agree with the others that you are not much overstocked, and your excellent care should mean no problems *thumbsups
If I could make one recommendation, I would suggest that you return the lampeyes to the LFS since you don't like them much and apparently they accept returns
This definitely isn't necessary, as your tanks are doing fine and will probably continue to do so. But it will open up a bit of space and reduce some crowding if it's something you're worried about
Then you could shuffle your cories! If you really want to get on a fish-return jag you could try to get a school of about 4 to six of the same type of cory. They'd be happy campers
Also, as aakaak said, the mollies would be happier in the 26, so they could possibly be swapped for the neons, and ghost shrimp moved over as well.
So perhaps:
5 zebra danios
8 ghost shrimp
1 upside down catfish
4 to 6 panda cories or albino cories (or keep both and do three each!)
1 honey red gourami
3 kuhli loaches
3 yellow mollies
With 6 cories, this is 102% stocking. With four, 97%. Not bad at all!
3 rummy-nosed tetras
6 neon tetras
2 female guppies
4 ghost shrimp
And this stocking would be 108% which isn't bad either
Anyhow good luck with your tanks!