Please Help me to ID this Fish

Aug 14, 2005
I bought this fish at the local pet store two weeks ago and they told me it's Freshwater Barracuda. But I did some research online about Freshwater Barracuda, all the pictures of Freshwater Barracuda online looks so different than this fish. they all shows a big black dot in the middle of the fish tail and very pointy mouth. But this fish has like a Leopard type dots on the tail and other fins and a shark like mouth, much more rounded than the online pictures of Freshwater Barracudas.
This fish is 6 inches long right now. two weeks ago when i bought it, it was 5 inches. It's freshwater, not salt.


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Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Sorry I can't help you, but it does sort of resemble a barracuda in that it has the same sort of mouth shape. BTW, beautiful pictures you took of it. What brand of camera did you use?

Aug 14, 2005
Masta_Cheef said:
Sorry I can't help you, but it does sort of resemble a barracuda in that it has the same sort of mouth shape. BTW, beautiful pictures you took of it. What brand of camera did you use?
I took it with my Canon 10D. It's an old camera, 20D already out, but it's still a nice camera. I resized those pictures already. the originals are way too big to post them on here.

thank for the help.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
No, I've seen these but I don't recall the name. I have a feeling it's an African Wolf Fish or similar, but there's also a S American characin I don't recall the name for.. It's not a Hoplias.

I think the key to this fish is the adipose fin (the little small black one behind the dorsal fin). At least it should preclude several types of fish.

This page implies that Characins have an adipose fin.

"A visual clue to a Characin is the adipose fin which has an unknown purpose. There are several genera which have no adipose fin, and several catfish that also have an adipose fin. All the Characins have teeth and scales and none of them have barbels or whiskers."


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It doesn't really look like any of the Hydrocynus species on fishbase. I need tothink about this, but I've seen a tankfull, which worked it's way down to one in short order, in the last 6 months.
Check out the Hydrocynus though

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Aug 14, 2005
I guess it's a newly mutated African Tiger fish group or a cross breeding between 2 different types of fish close in family. lol.

I’ve been searching online from the movement I got this fish, but still can't find a fish looking exactly or even close to it. I guess the local pet shop doesn't know it's name also, so they just put Freshwater Baracuda on it, But Freshwater Baracuda looks so different than this fish. I guess the closest looking fish as of now is African Tiger fish, or a same family fish that's just discovered.

Right now this fish is in a 75 gallon tank (48" long and 18" wide), with 2 silver dollars and 1 small Datnioide Tiger Fish. After 2 weeks+ of monitoring this fish, the behavior of this fish is very calm, not aggressive at all, never bothered any of the tank mates. He always runs away or step aside when the small tiger datnioide runs into him. I guess this fish won’t bother any fish that’s not big enough to fit into his mouth. The speed of this fish is godly lighting fast, when I tried to catch the fish, it can go from tank side to side, 48 inches long in less than a second and stop in a split of a second without bumping into the glass wall. It's just moves really really fast, very hard to catch in the tank even when I use big net. When I bought this fish in the pet store, they had a good 10 minutes just to catch this fish and put it in the bag, lol. It eats blood worms and feeder fish. It doesn’t chew the feeder fish; he just catches them and swallows them. And he only eats when he’s hungry. I have about 50 1" feeder fishes in the tank and he eats about 3 a day. I could be away for days or even weeks without worrying about this fish because it only eats when he's hungry, unlike my Flower Horn, eats 24 hours a day and finishes everything no matter how much food I give him.

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