Pleco's for a 55 gallon


Large Fish
Jun 10, 2006
Endicott NY
What are some different kinds of pleco's that would be good size wise for a 55 gallon. I currently have a golden algae eater, but he is starting to get agressive towards my other fish and after reading up on their behavior I think I am going to try and trade him back to the store I bought him from.
Last time I was at the store they had this one called a sting ray pleco I think it was, veyr cool looking, anyone know anything about them?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
With a 55gal, I'd say stay away from anything over 10" unless you want to stock the rest of the tank with tiny fish or maybe just a few other fish. Plecos are MESSY.

Here are some that I would highly reccomend:
Flash Pleco L204
Rubbler Lip Pleco (lots of L# for these guys, mine is a L187b)
Bristle Nose Pleco (another with lots of L#)

Or if you are wanting something over 5":
Goldie/Sunshine Pleco L014
Of course commons

Really depends on what else you have in the tank (or want/plan to have). Other fish? How many and what kinds? Any driftwood? Live plants? etc... Let us know these things and we might be able to help you a little better.


Large Fish
Jun 10, 2006
Endicott NY
Thanks guys. As far as my other fish I have 3 dwarf gouramis(1 male 2 females), 4 dalmation molly's, 7 redwag platy's which won't stop having babies, and 5 cory's. I was also planning on buying 5 australian rainbowfish sometime in the near future. Also I have no driftwood or live plants.
This might be put on delay though because I just noticed what might be some kind of mouth fungus on one of my gouramis, luckily I had some Maracyn.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
a little contradicting the last post, if one were to look for plecos that stay under 10" as suggested above then one would be wise not to invest in commons as they grow to be well over 10" up to 24"


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I know fishlover, sorry that was a bit confusing. I said I would stay away from anyhting over 10" UNLESS you were going to have a otherwise low maintenance stock (IE: Small poopers or only 1-3 med. fish or something along those lines).

After you are sure there is nothing to worry about in your tank, I would look into getting some driftwood as most plecos actually eat driftwood and almost all plecos (even those who do not eat driftwood) appreciate a piece or two.

I think with your setup, I'd definitly stay under 10" just because it would look odd and possibly be a hazard to small fish to get anything much bigger. I'd stick with the bristle nose, rubberlip, flash, clown, or any similarly sized plecos. I am thinking something 3-6" is what I would go for. I REALLY love my rubberlip and they are sometimes available at petstores (although bristlenose might be easier to find), or the flash plecos, they are a bit higher in price, but it's definitly worth it!

Whatever you choose, good luck! :)

Just a little temptation ;)



Large Fish
Jun 10, 2006
Endicott NY
Yeah I definitely don't want anything that gets too big. I think I will get some driftwood, over the last few months all my decorations have become more "woodlike" got a stump, and rootlike structure atm, and have been thinking about replacing my little rock cave with something woodlike, maybe driftwood would be a great choice.
I really like that first pic what kind is that? I've never seen anything like that at the petstores around here though :(


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
The first pic is my flash pleco L204. They get to about 4.5" and they do REQUIRE driftwood. One of my favorites though, very active, doesn't hide all the time like my clown pleco, georgious (you can't see it well, but he has long flowing extentions on his tail fin), and just happy and healthy as ever! :) You probably won't find one in a store though, probably not going to find much outside of commons, bristle nose, and maybe rubberlips at the store. You can ask them if they can get one for you though, most pet stores (ma-n-pa stores are better IMHO) will do their best to get you what you are looking for. Or you can order them online. That site FishGeek linked sells plecos. They have a great repuatation and a lot of the more rare plecos. Expect to pay somehting like $35+ for a nice pleco though, the not-so-common ones aren't cheap, but definitly worth it! :)


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
yep as virgowolf said a 120 for a common would be awesome. My Local Petco, has a very very big pleco, on display its at least 14inches long. HUMONGOUS (SP). i have a clown pleco, and im very disapointed with it, I mean i knew going into it that plecos are night time dwellers and hide, but my clown always always always hide. i never see him. i can peak inside his cave and see that he is there. but other than that i NEVER EVER EVER see him. and i've had him for 9 months now


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
That's exactly how my clown is too, I much prefer my flash pleco, if I were you I would see if you can get a flash pleco, they (or at least the one I have) are active and visible at most times and they are much better looking IMO.

Although what decor do you have? When I had my royal, she was in my 55 which was setup for small fish (guppies, tetras, rasboras) and not plecos (I just put her in there because I had no real place for her). She was the same way, NEVER moved, ALWAYS in the same spot. I sent her over to FishGeek and she says she's out all the time. My 55 had very few hiding spots and Fishgeek has like millions, they just feel more comfortable and secure with more hiding places. Maybe try adding some caves or something and see if that helps? I may try something with my clown if I keep him.


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
I have a 55 gallon, and I love my two plecos. Between the two, I'd probably recommend the LDA-08 simply because they're easier to find, and you could keep 2-3 in a tank that size, provided you have enough caves for them. Not that I've had any problems with my L-134, but they're tougher to come by and more expensive.

Several Hypancistrus species stay small enough for a 55 gallon, like L260's, L129's, etc.

Anyway, here some old photos of my little fellas (which reminds me - I need to take some new shots...):

LDA-08 Gold Marble Bristlenose:

L-134 Leopard Frog Pleco:


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I'd say a 55gal is minimum for a common, but that would have to be with very limited stock with him, 75gal is probably a better choice. In a 120gal, you have plenty of room to add fish.

Nov 17, 2006
Sad news i heard today.I was going to get a 110 or 120 for christmas but my dad struck a deal with a 75 full stand,hood,pump,filter everything for a good price.I ofered to pay for a 120 with him but he said its way to expensive.So i am getting a 75.Its not bad nice oak ill have pics soon as i get it next week.So i could put a common in a 75 k thanks very very much your all a big help.