I was not trying to say that you were getting off topic any more than I was, madhippoz, sorry if it sounded that way.
Argue her against veaganism? Naw, I see nothing wrong in not eating animals and such. I just disagreed with the reason behind it. I have a Christian friend who is vegan, he just has differnt reasons for what he does than what she does.
And my pming me thing was not to prove or disprove faith, it was just if you did not understand what I was saying about my faith, then I would explain it then, I just did not want to lead the post more off topic.
I would not say you were a jerk. I got a little laugh out of it no matter the intentions. "And on the 8,133 day, God said, "can't we all just get along?"
Hmmm, do I feel bad about inhumaley treating this animal? Maybe so but the bible says we can do what ever we pleas with them, so I guess i should not feel bad.
maybe i understand wrong, but it sounds like you are saying that the Bible tells us to go ahead and mistreat animals. Or that i say that the Bible says it...
Is that what the bible is about? Doing whatever we want with no thought of consequenses? Quick answer: NOPE!
What i have been trying to say (which i thought i have been) is that we need to take care of the animals, treat them with respect. I said it once and i will say it again, I
agree with you on that aspect.
I did not go searching for a post to tell everyone my faith, i just comment on what i read. If you do not like it, ignore it. Just cause you have differnt views does not mean I have to keep silent. (i am not taking offense, getting mad or trying to make anyone else mad, i am just stating why i say what i say.)