Katie217 said:
Wow BV,
Meaty and Triton have TOTALLY different shape eh?
I was just thinking that too---mainly with regards to their forehead areas.
Triton's curves from his mouth up to his dorsal fin a lot more 'smoothly' than Meaty's does---Meaty has that little 'crook' a little bit above his mouth where his forehead suddenly becomes more prominent.
I wonder if that is any indication as to the sex of our oscars.
I'm guessing probably not, since folks claim the only way is to either see them breed or to vent them once they're older. Maybe it's just because Meaty was slightly bigger (and perhaps a bit older) when you got him? I'm sure he's still bigger than Triton, right?
If I had to make a hunch based on the differences in their foreheads, I'd guess that Meaty is male and Triton is female---but we both know that's not really a reliable method when it comes to oscars, eh?