Something is wrong with my camera! The thing doesn't even want to turn on! I have it plugged up and charging, but's a dinosaur camera, it takes the floppy disks in it, so it very well may be time for a new one. *crazysmil
Of course, that's about right, cause he (she?) is in a beautiful position, right up front in the tank...
I have a Tiger oscar as well, but he has a case of hole-in-the-head I can't get rid of for nothing!
I've tried water changes every two days, I've tried tetracycline (sp?), I've tried pennies in the tank...nothing seems to help him, poor fella.
Here lately, they've been rearranging everything and they've moved all the gravel to the walls of the tank and have cleared out an area right in the middle, all the way to the glass. Pre-spawning behavior? Or just bored???