Pretty new (8 years since last tank) to hobby! Advice welcomed!

Dec 14, 2011
Anyway, We got it all set up nice a pretty, and decided to introduce the Gourami to the new tank (now I know that this is a stupid idea without cycling the tank... sorry) Longer story short, about 15 minutes later it had died as well (I think it could have possibly been pregnat as well).
I'm kind of confused by this. I've never had a fish die that quickly, and I've had to put a lot of fish into buckets filled with tap water for extended periods of time on more than one occasion. Did you maybe get soap into your tank or something? That, or maybe the quality of your tap water is atrocious.

May 7, 2012
I actually think it was doomed from the fish store... it changed color and such before we even got home, it was likely sick ( i hope it wasn't all my fault). So who knows! but I am glad I am on the correct path to success now!