Pure, P.C., Guess what I stumbled into?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Working out a deal with my buddy for a Emperor, Queen Arab., and get this... a TRUE ZEBRA ... for... $15 each! :) He's also willing to give up his 6" Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (waiting for pic, supposed to be exelent coloration) for $40. :p

Sound like a deal?! LOL This is a guy I gave all my pest snails to (he has puffers and loaches galore) and I have been chatting back and forth with him about his fish. Now his fahaka puffer is getting bigger and he needs his 135gal for him, so he has to move a few things around and these guys have to go, so he said rather than sell them back to the LFS, he said he'd like to offer them to me first. *thumbsups

Not sure about the emperor and queen yet, have to see if I can find room, but I know I'm snatching up the zebra and EBJD! LOL


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks everyone (cept FishLuvr :p J/K).

Yeah, wasn't planning on it. If everything works out and I get the zebra, does a 30gal setup with the zebra, a pair of GBRs, some rummynose, and possily a few sparkling gouramis be OK? That's just my current train of thought. I need to research some more about the zebras sill.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
That stock would be fine.

Edit: Not much really to research on the zeb. Provide a cave that is only slightly larger than the fish is round. They are meat eaters so after lights out drop some meaty foods in the tank near his cave. Temps should be in the 82 -84 range. The fish you listed will deal just fine with that temp.

Your cave needs to be long and dark, 1 1/2in PVC with a cap works in a pinch but as the PVC is white it doesn't get as dark as they like it. They much more prefer slate. If it's a female, she will be out more than a male but a cave should still be provided.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Sounds great to me, everything I read about them is intimidating, so I was just concearned. I like to research as much as possible anytime I get something I've never had before. I was going to make some slate caves, I see them online ALL the time and my dad has a pallet of slate scrap cuts. :) Saves me on shipping.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL I'll ask, I know he planned on using it for the face on the retaining wall, but mom wants a cobble stone look,.I might have the whole pallet to tinker with if mom gets her way LOL. I was going to use some of it for mom's tank when I switch over to cichlids. :)

Just read about people having a hard time keeping them alive, I have bad luck, anything I need to live, dies, and everything that I just coulden't care less about, will never die! LOL Just like my gardening, the $50 plant, dead, the weeds, won't go away! LOL

*Edit: All dad did was go to the stone yard and ask for something that looks good, but won't cost him much, they directed him to this and said if they don't sell it, they have to just get rid of it, so they sold it to him DIRT cheap. Might want to ask around at the stone yards around your area.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah I keep meaning to get offa my duff n do that. :p

Never heard of any issues with keeping them alive. There are some things do that need attention. Heat, O2, and diet. Feeding too much vegetable matter (flake) can cause health issue. With the higher temps it's a good idea to keep a sponge filter running in the tank as a secondary filter. 2 reasons to do this. The higher temp water holds less O2, and they are sensitive to low O2 levels. This is true for most hypancistrus not just zebras. Also they have no tolerance for ammonia or nitrite. So the filter will not only add O2 to the tank but also ensure you are covered in the event of a filter failure.

I only had to learn that lesson once. ALL my plec tanks now have a sponge filter running in them 24/7.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
They've been the only pleco under 3 inches that I've had no problem keeping alive. They've been very hardy so far and are very active when fed. I don't think you'll have a problem at all! :D

Hmm... the cave thing makes me wonder... mine are always hiding, I wonder if that means they're all males? D:

EDIT: I keep a powerhead in my Zeb tank that is constantly pushing bubbles into the tank. They seem to enjoy it :)