Purple hair algae

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
actually the more and more i look at the pic it looks like mine if you were referring to the purply red stuff at th bottom of the pic and i am trying to find a site but none say its bad or good is it bad and if it is how do i get rid of it. o another thing my crab seems to eat it at night and its almost all gone in the morning but when i get back at 3 its there and lots plz help o and to answer youre question it looks hairy but i picked some up and yeah it felt sort of wet and slimy

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
ok if anyone wants to help instead of put me down then you can i know i hurried and now bad things are happening but does any one know how to get rid of this crap i am goin to the pet store on friday nd theyll tell me but if any of you could help me out now and tell me what to do that would be great


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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well, here is the thing, there are multiple problems that are causing your algae outbreak, and if you are diligent about following our advice you should be able to kick it, but, when we told all the things that were going to cause problems on your tank, and you didnt listen, and now you have problems with your tank. algea is caused be excessive nutrients, phosphate and nitrate, as well as sunlight. What kind of water are you using? RO or tap, most likely if your using tap water...thats part of your problem, also since you have a crappy skimmer, its not pulling all the $#^@ out of your tank, which is also inturn fueling the algae. Then you added fish, to "help" the cycle, are you feeding them? if so its not helping. This should help you get started.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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my cyano remedies : Change water with ro/di. Don't overfeed. Have a strong flow and avoid dead spots. ( The hairy thing you mentionned is probably cyano detaching because you have some flow ). DO NOT BRUSH inside the main tank, it's the best way to spread this crap. Reduce slowly your lighting time...like if you have a 8 hours schedule, set it at 7 for a while. Change old bulbs ( if you bought used stock ).
I personnaly find the poly-filters from bio-marine very good to polish water .
RowaPhos and Phosguard to remove phosphates are great..they are the only 2 i know that do not contain alumina ( craaaappy phoszorb i hate this one ).
This is how i got rid of mine. Also don't feed cyclop eeze , oyster's eggs or other high protein food while trying to handle cyano.
What's your skimmer ?

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
wow, does not sound like fun. (now I look back., I would never dump nasty tap water into my tank.) It is kind of crazy if you think about it. well hopw the algea clears up. fishchaser...these guys know there stuff. so I think i would take there advice(even if its harder and more money) its worth it in the long run man. ahh i love salt wtaer..

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
kk thx yeah i think im goin to get a timer and lower the ligting time.my lights are good lighting coral and ocean sun which i just got so its not that i wont feed as much i havent move it around so i wont do that i havent fed any of those things you said so i wont do that my skimmer is a seaclone which i know all of you think suck but it seems to be working fine ill do all the other things and see if that helps thx. o one more thing you said it kills what does it kill or does it just groe all over and not look good thx for the info


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If your skimmer WAS working fine that would be half the battle ..... it's a basic nutrient problem. Make sure pH, KH are high, flow needs to be high and nutrient removal GOOD.

The trouble is, it is quite possible to kill cyano BUT then you will simply move to another annoying algae if you don't resolve the underlying situation

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
o ok thx ill get iot gone right away. this is what ive done so far i didnt turn the light on this morning till 3 then i will shut it off at ten thats 7 hours insted od like 14 so when i came here ate 3 there was hardly any of it it seems to not grow if theres light then tonite i am goin to take out about 10 gallons of the water and put in RO water that shud help then im goin to go to the petstore on friday to see if he knows any more. i was also think that i could maybe pick up a tang or a clown its been a month they said it would be fine to maybe add one fish or do you think its too early thx for the info

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
what id did to get rid of my cyano was suck as much as u can up in the syphon when you do water changes. i have some growing in a bottle with no light on it, this stuff is hard to beat. also, more flow! this realy helped me! when i added my corals 2 weeks ago i had to move the power head, the flow changed, the cyano came back. i moved the power head and it went away.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
And you too will soon have a hair algae problem. The problem is basically too much waste! It must go! Going to RO and removing waste from your source water is good, but frankly a big skimmer and killer filtration is even better.
Disappointingly water changes really are an uphill battle unless you do lots of ravel hoovering, and blowing debris off your live rock.

These systems are not magic - waste in must go somewhere. Reducing lighting is a ridiculous response - how can you ever expect to grow photosynthetic creatures if you can't turn your lights on?