

Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I've been doing a lot of research into shellies myself, and it seems as though a standard ten gallon is the smallest footprint, and really the max number of fish for that is 6 or so multies.
10 gallon tanks are like 15 dollars at Walmart, and I bet you can use your equipment from your 5.5 to run it. Don't you have a 10 gallon already anyways?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Ummm well there you go, you have a 10g so why are we wasting our time discussing the 5g.

Fishman, i like you. I like your enthusiasm, but you are always so ready to jump head first into a mess of a tank. Yes you could keep a few shellies in a 5g but given your history (and anyone here who has been around a while knows your history) its going to turn out as a disaster in a 5g.. Im not being mean just constructive. (I may be mom'ing you a bit)

If you want I wont give you advice, but I bet any of the others would have the same thoughts.

I REALLY think that to do shellies right you need a 30g long. or at the very least a 20 breeder. All Glass Aquarium AG 20L Tank Black 30x12x12

like that one that sells for 38 dollars. It gives you 30" of floor space and would be a really nice home for shellies. that size tank would need a water change of 5 gallons (2 small buckets) a week, so it should be easy to keep up with.

There is something to be said for DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME