I am working on restocking my 10 gallon, I am going to make a list of the fish i like and i would like yaw to tell me if they'l work or not with the Male Red Dwarf Gourami that there tankmate will be.
Long finned red minor tetra
Cherry barb
Tiger barbs
Fancy guppys
Kuhli Loach
Long finned red minor wouldn't stay long finned for long, they're terrible fin nippers. I'd avoid personally unless you've got more space for a biggg shoal. Perhaps red phantom tetras?
Cherry barbs would work in a 10 but don't shoal particularly well.
A few otos would work.
Tiger barbs get quite big and need a much bigger tank to disperse their aggression.
Fancy guppies + Swordtails + Platies + Mollies all reproduce like mad and your tank would be overstocked in no time.
Kuhli loaches potentially would work, but they're little escape artists.
Personally, I'd go with the plan in the other thread. Your gourami as a centrepiece, perhaps red phantom tetras or another type of small tetra or rasbora, couple of shrimp and maybe a couple of kuhlis? Stick that in on aqadvisor and see what it says.