
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
longtyme68 said:
I would agree with pure, also, Guoramis haven't seemed that active in the lfs around here. Maybe that is why I have been reluctant to buy. Oh well, I wish you the best of luck with them. Post some pics if you can, I would love to see how it all turned out.
hey dude...'flame' gouramis are in about two days now...
no bother so far...
a little in-species chasing...but no real stress...

i'm gonna take some time over the festive break...
and set up a coupla pix on the 'net...
so you all can see the finished deal...

all in all...i'm very pleased at how my first ever tank turned out... :)

microgeophagus ramirezi

I recomend the butterfly ram (microgeophagus ramirezi). They are the most peaceful fish ever! I own 2 (male & female). They get 3 inches. The male has brighter colors and the female has pink in her belly during mating season. Also the male has a point in the dorsal fin. Also buy a book called aquarium & pond fish by David Alderton.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
silver dollars said:
I recomend the butterfly ram (microgeophagus ramirezi). They are the most peaceful fish ever! I own 2 (male & female). They get 3 inches. The male has brighter colors and the female has pink in her belly during mating season. Also the male has a point in the dorsal fin. Also buy a book called aquarium & pond fish by David Alderton.
cool...i'll check them out...i need peaceful fish...
one of my dwarf gouramis went on the rampage...
all 3 are now back at the lfs...and i'm also missing a betta...
so...yes...peaceful i need .

i'll chek out the book too ... chears .


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Silver is talking about the Bolivian Ram. Nice fish, lil bit more aggressive than German rams. But it doesn't live in the part of the water you are wanting the fish. They stay pretty much at the bottom. Mine would have starved a long time ago if I didn't get it some sort of sinking food. Silly things refuse to even come to the top of the tank to eat. sheeez!


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Pure said:
Silver is talking about the Bolivian Ram. Nice fish, lil bit more aggressive than German rams. But it doesn't live in the part of the water you are wanting the fish. They stay pretty much at the bottom. Mine would have starved a long time ago if I didn't get it some sort of sinking food. Silly things refuse to even come to the top of the tank to eat. sheeez!
cool...thanks for the bizz...not wot i'm after then...
as you say...sheeeez!!!


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
Pure said:
Silver is talking about the Bolivian Ram. Nice fish, lil bit more aggressive than German rams. But it doesn't live in the part of the water you are wanting the fish. They stay pretty much at the bottom. Mine would have starved a long time ago if I didn't get it some sort of sinking food. Silly things refuse to even come to the top of the tank to eat. sheeez!
Nah, Silver was talking about the Blue Ram, or Ram Cichlid. (which only get to ~ 2") The Bolivians are M. altispinosus. While I agree they stay within the bottom 12", I have found them to be easy keepers, very colorful (once happy in their tank but subdued when compared to the blue ram) and peaceful. They don't start a quarrel but won't be pushed around at all and have never been a problem. I mainly feed some sinking HBH 'soft food', flakes and frozen and they definitely get their share. I have a pair in with angels, rummys, melanistus cories, cardinals an ancistrus and hatchets. They're one of my favorites and the reason I am keeping at least one "Amazon" tank. *SUPERSMIL


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I really like the Threadfin Rainbows (Iriatherina werneri)......very pretty fish and much smaller then Boeseman. I tried to look up some pics, but nothing I found did them justice......maybe PrettyPleco can post a pic, I think she just got some :)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
LOL, Pure. :)

Cyber - there are a few rainbows which might fit in your tank well. Some get too large or require more tank space (swimming room) but there are plenty of really pretty, colorful, active ones which would be ok -- Threadfins being one of them (all sorts of color on one fish - hot pink tails) Many rainbows are monochromatic but some have really neat color and some even 'flash' neon colors when ~in the mood~. :::bolivian rams:::

Golden Rams

Thanks lotus!!!!!!!!!!but the weird thing is that my 2 golden rams and my 2 blue rams have divided the tank so they each have half of the tank as territory.They have both bread at least 2 times allready. So my gold rams breed behind this purple plant where there is alot of shade, they also lay there eggs there. And my blue rams breed and lay there eggs in this log i have.And the really weird thing is that i have only been in the hobby for a year and i'm only 12 and i have already bread my 4 favorite fish ever(besides my silver dollars)