reddish pink color on my marble angels

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i got a pair of marble angels black and white, i've had it for about a week in a plante tank and i just noticed the red-pink color on the top part of my angels in the white area, it's not red streaks like on fins type it sorta looks like sunburn
i was thinking could the lights be effecting them? they seem fine swimming together and they're eating fine could enybody tell me what might be causing the reddish color?
my ph is just below7.0 and temp is about 78F and there's no nitrates and ammonia
i've noticed it before on an old angelfish i had when i first started but that was years ago and i had her for three years even laid eggs severl times until a bad winter storm took out

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I do know some fish show redish hues when happy...but not sure about a marbled angel.

I see you said you have no ammonia, but why no nitrAtes?

What about nitrItes?

Is the tank cycled yet..or in the process?

I honestly don't think it is the light causing the redish area.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
 I think its normal. My marble Angel has a pink section just behind his top fin at the rear section. Looks like a tender area that's pink/reddish. Had him for a few months now. Has no problems ever since I've noticed it. He swim & acts normally. 8)

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
imeant nitrites i get mixed up sometimes hehe well maybe eseow is right that they're normal i was jus concerned b/c i've had angels couple times before and they died within a few weeks i dunno why they died then b/c what water conditions were fine but before that when i first started i had an angel for like three years until a power outage for a few days in the winter took her and some of my other fishes
and this is off topic but can't wait to see maryland beat indiana tonight!!!!!!! GO TERPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *twirlysmiley* *twirlysmiley* *twirlysmiley*