OK, so I saw a nice 30gal cube at our LFS today and was showing hubby, he now thinks that's too small, although I think that's a fine place to start. He wants to kick out my GBR and friends and steal the 75gal. But there is this nice curvy 75gal at petsmart we really like. So I am thinking we should start out with somehting like the 30gal cube I saw and once we really get the hang of things, sell that one and upgrade to the 75gal we both really want.
So I have heard SW stocking is 1" of fish to 5gal of water? Is there any more acurate ways? I know the 1"/Gal rule in FW is not really reliable, I'm assuming there is a better way to figure out SW stocking as well?
So thow me a bone here and tell me what you would do. Assuming you are on a limited budget, with plenty of time to buy things slowly and seup slowly as well. Assuming we want coral and fish. Low-moderate lighting. The best of DIY and bough equipement and lighting, etc... I definitly want to give a shot with a Green Mandarin at some point, since this is the fish that got us really wanting SW. But that will probably be a year or 2 from now.
What would you do, in the mean time, to make the tank as beautiful and enjoyable as possible, yet still expandable and appropriate for a Mandarin?
Is it possible I have too much hope of keeping a Mandarin alive and well? Should I just give up on it and go with something easier? Or should I give it a go the best way I can and hope I can keep a speicies that not many can keep? (Personally, that's the goal I think)
So what tank would you make in this situation? (size, equipment, stock, etc...)