I thought the algae-eating was the case with "Chinese" algae-eaters and common pl*cos. Once THEY mature their algae eating virtually disappeared. I don't remember any references with false SAEs in the same vein. I'll try to get more pictures. The tanks they're in now have a dark substrate so the old neon-green which threw off the contrast/brightness.
I was wanting to make my decision in order to be able to return them to the store soon, if necessary. Once the fall hits I won't get many chances to get down there when they're open. Again, it just wasn't a smart buy as I got all giddy upon seeing them and knowing I had tank space available. The salesman wasn't bad, in fact his lukewarm support should have ended it right there.
If they get aggressive I guess I can put them in a tank with the rapidly growing cousins of Godzilla,the monster shrimp. Let the two species fight it out to the death. That'll settle it. If they don't get aggressive then there's not really a problem.