Salt in frashwater


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Thanks for the info, this thread should IMO be a sticky in the brackish forum, I have often wondered the difference and you are the first one to break it down and explain it, and provide links to the info to back up what your saying. FYI My mollies bred like crazy when i was adding API aquarium salt, once i stopped adding the salt they stopped breeding. Thanks again.


Medium Fish
May 5, 2008
Thank you Brian1973. I'm the first one to admit I am not an expert, nor do I try to be. I too, wanted to know a LONG time ago, if I should use this stuff in my own FW tanks. I researched it, I've used it, & done it.

Dr. Wellfish and API brand FW Aquarium Salt is essentially the same (sodium chloride from evaporated sea water, MINUS all the good things that need to be in sea water, to make it sea water). And Yes, my mollies ALSO did very well in my brackish tanks, AND.. in tanks I just used the FW Salt as a supplement. But remember, if leaning toward a brackish tank, use Marine salt, it is BEST for that purpose. I am NOT condoning the use of FW Aquarium salt for brackish systems at all.

Let's not forget, this thread was supposed to be about FW aquarium salt in a FW aquarium.

If you are interested in brackish systems, look to persons more adept in writing on them. and know them much better than I. I just read the brackish system thread on this site (I don't frequent this site a lot), and it explains it so much better. It is here.. CLICK ME.

So... The debate rages on about using FW Aquarium salt in FW tanks. To each his/her own. Take everything with "a grain of salt", and decide for yourself, and base its use on your own experience. Take from other experiences and advise, or toss it up to a big bag of "bull dukie". Hey.. it is a free country. :)

Aquarium keeping is a constant discovery from start, to .. well.. when you give it up finally, if ever. Always something new around the corner. After several years of doing this, I'm always up for something new, or to try something new for myself. Usually MY own experiences is what I eventually base any of my practices on.


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