Saltwater Poll: Tell us about yourself...


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Ok, this is more of a lounge-related topic, but since it's geared solely at saltwater hobbyists, this seemed the best place to post it. I'm interested in learning more about everyone's personal experience with the saltwater scene. I've thought up some questions, so here goes...

1. What or who got you into saltwater, and were you intimidated at first because marine systems are said to be costly and difficult?

2. How long have you been keeping saltwater aquariums, and what was the hobby like when you started, if you began a long time ago?

3. Do you still keep freshwater tanks, and how do you now feel about freshwater?

4. What was the most difficult invert or fish you've kept, and was it worth the cost and time that went into it?

5. What is your favorite thing about saltwater?

6. Any future plans/dreams for new systems?


I'll start :)

1. My buddy Justin, who lives in Athens, GA, was an avid aquarist and maintained several tanks in his apartment here, including a custom made 100 gallon system. He sold or put into storage all his tanks when he moved and started a 29 gallon reef. I had talked to him for a while about saltwater but never made the plunge, even though he assured me I could easily do it once I knew and understood the basics and stayed vigilant and patient. It was my friend Flave who finally brought me over when he began his nano 10 gallon, going off Justin's tutelage. I follwed a month later and the rest is history, so to speak... ;)

I was intimidated by saltwater. Flave, whose saltwater tank is his first system, gave me the courage to try. I honestly don't find it any more difficult than freshwater, but certainly more time consuming and expensive. I also spent a month planning and researching before I began.

2. I began Easter 2005, and so obviously, the hobby hasn't changed much since then.

3. I currently maintain 6 other tanks, all freshwater, including two glass vases, oxygenated only by dense plant life. I feel saltwater is more of a challenge, but I love my F/W tanks, especially my ten gallon planted and 55 gallon community discus tank. Once I buy a home, I'll probably downsize a lot of my F/W tanks, and the only new tank I'll set up will be my dream 125 or 180 gallon freshwater stingray system.

4. I don't feel I can answer this one yet as I'm still new to the hobby. However, my mandarin project will definitely be a challenge, and it has definitely been worth the cost and time I've put into it so far.

5. Probably the diversity of what you can grow and keep. Corals and all sessile life that just comes out of the live rock fascinate me. I'm also transfixed by starfish.

6. I doubt I will ever move higher than a nano system... the water changes alone on a large tank daunt the hell outta me. In the future, however, I will probably move my reef tank to a new stand and house a 10 gallon fuge underneath and grow mangrove plants as well as really learn how to cultivate pods.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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1) When I was setting up my first freshwater aquarium, I spent a lot of time in Petco looking at the saltwater sections. Greed and jealousy overcame me, and that's where I am today.
2) Since September about 8 months if my math is correct.
3) Yes: a 20 gallon high. I think it is boring now (except for maybe cichlids or larger predatory fish, whom I have not had the pleasure to keep).
4) The most difficult: the yellow watchman goby. I've had two die from disease. My new policy: "aggressive quarantine." I guess it is worth the cost because I possess more knowledge now than before my loss.
5) The little cryptic organisms--the pods, worms, etc...I know I'm sick :)
6) With college/military in the near future, and no current job/car, I have no plans yet. I'm satisfied with my setup so far (hopefully it will stay that way for my wallet's sake).


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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1-) I always wanted to have a SW aquarium, since i was a kid. In july 2004, i entered an enormous petshop, and there was a huge SW section..the shape and the color of the fishies blew me away. A month later i had a tank. Yes i think it's more difficult to keep a SW tank than a FW. More params to watch..and errors costs a lot.

2-) Since late august 2004 .

3-) I don't have FW tank right now. Eventually i will try a planted tank, or a cichlids tank...but i prefer SW fishies. FW fishes are IMO usually less colored ( except discus or some cichlids ) and their behavior dull. My neighbor is Janlo ( check his FW tank on the forum ), and his success with his planted tank makes me wanna have one one day.

4-) I only have 3 fishies, due to an over-agressive tang, i can't add anything except corals, until i find a way to give it away. No coral death, except a sarcophyton that i bought sick just after my tank cycled..well it's almost dead, and it costed me a lot of $$ for nothing. So i guess it was my most difficult, just because he's crappy and costly.

5-) The encrusting stuff, the colors, the night and day tansition. 2 differents worlds. During the night, seeing new creatures, closed corals, fishies sleeping at their respective "home", sometime changing colors. Every morning is a little christmas when you start your tank. When i saw pods for the first time in the morning, i was like a kid opening a gift. Coralline growth is cool too. Knowing that your hardware will be taken over by an purple algae is fun, and will look more natural.

6-) I would like to have a 120 gallon system to keep larger and aggressive fishies like triggers, but i'll wait until i have a basement..or cash.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
1. I think just seeing a nice SW display tank at an LFS did it for me. I had been freshing for about a year before i took the plunge. Wasn't really scared, I did research for about 3 months before I started.

2. I started in August of 2003 so not much has changed

3. I have two freshwater tanks. Not really interested in keeping them anymore but I have a commitment to the animals which I already had.

4. Not sure...i payed a bundle for a Euphyllia but its not terribly difficult. actually, i don't really have anything that is "difficult". I plead the 5th?

5. It represents a more complete captive ecosystem than FW and I enjoy seeing that in action

6. No immediate plans. I think I want something in the 150g range for an SPS system. Of course, when/if I get that home it will look too small just like the 55 does


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
1. Not really, I wanted a little nano-didnt know hwat I was really gettin into.

2. Well, I started about 4-5 years ago, not much has really changed.

3. Once your in saltwater you cant go back.

4. A show size Scribble Angelfish and Blueface Angelfish. At about $400 combined they are definatly worth the cost.

5. The sweet angelfish.
6. Eventually when i move out, I'll probably upgrade and have a few really big tanks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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1. I got bored with Freshwater and I needed something to spend my money on, not really intimidated, did my research and reading for about 6 months before taking the plunge

2. I started in 2003, nothing really new...

3. I take care of a 55 gallon ciclid tank for my dad, it bores me now, but he enjoys it, I used to have oscars which were fun.

4. Most difficult thing I have kept was my Nudibranch, he only ate soft corals and was quite venemous...only got stung once, it wasnt pretty.

5.I love the diversity of life, from micro organisms to algae to fish and inverts, way more stuff going on than in fresh water

6. when I buy a house I plan on installing a 500-800 gallon reef system.

1. What first got me into SW was thsi very site. I had had 3 or 4 FW tank, and i just decied to peek into the SW forum one day. I was amazed, researched for 2 months, and i bought my first SW Tank...The rest is too slow to tell :)

2. Been into the hobby for about 8 months. Nothing has changed.

3. I still keep bettas and cichlids, never have the desire to *** any FW fish tho, just the ones ive always had..

4. The hardest invert ive ever kept in Xenia. I still have it, but i cant figure it out...Its never looked as good as it did when i bought it. Oh well.

5. clownfish/anenome relationships. The colors, mandarins have amazing patterns. my fav fish is prolly a purple firsfish. I just like the way they move...weird.

6. Im setting up a 20G nano right now. I would love to get a 70-80 Gallon someday, when im living on my own.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1. The variety of life that could be maintained in a captive enviroment was extremely interesting, plus it seemed a technical challenge.
2. 1997, but relatives had tanks before that. 20 years freshawater on and off though
3. No. Got tired of water changes. Would like to keep Tropheus or an amazon biotope again, but only if I could get large tank plumbed into mains water for changes
4. Hard to say. Have never tried anything really hard
5. Yes, but have plans to start building a house anyway. I would likely go to 400 or 600 litres


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2004
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1.My dad used to have one in my current 55 so i thought I'd give it a whirl!
2. well when i was 6 so 12 years ago i had my first fish tank but ym first salt water was just this year. 55 is freash water and i love it I'll show you guys a pic sometime!(if i dont get booted) i've only had one shrimp in 5.5 and it dies cause of my sis but i loved him alot!
5.Gettign to talk to you guys! and i love they way a well planne dout salt water aquirum looks!
6.a 200gallon in my basement when i get my own house...because imagine how much leeway one could have with that much water

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
oohhh, big tanks!!

1-one day(a month before chistmas, lol) I decided I wanted a salt tank. I had never had a fish tank before. I had always been intreaged(I sloterd that word) by it and finnaly asked my parents if I could have one for christmas. And god it cost way more that I though(my tank with all supliess and stuff, $1,300) a lot to me

2-about 2 years, just now staring to get the hang of it(this sight saved me)

never had a fresh water but I love salt and plan to keep tank for the rest of my life!!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey figured I'd bump this thread ;)

1. What or who got you into saltwater, and were you intimidated at first because marine systems are said to be costly and difficult? Once upon a time on MFT I saw a picture of a mandarin...and been curious ever since because I thought that was the most gorgeous little critter. I was intimidated by the prices...still am!! :)

2. How long have you been keeping saltwater aquariums, and what was the hobby like when you started, if you began a long time ago? Lets see...counting 3 weeks ;)

3. Do you still keep freshwater tanks, and how do you now feel about freshwater? Yes I definitely still have more FW than SW. I think FW tanks are fun and much CHEAPER to set up and play around with. As I work on this little SW and plan a bigger one I have not had any thoughts of taking down FW to replace with SW. I'm pretty attached to the tanks I have.

4. What was the most difficult invert or fish you've kept, and was it worth the cost and time that went into it? hah well...hmm the ONLY SW critter I have right now (until later today) is two little hermit I guess I have to answer them...although, they seem pretty easy to me :) They're cute and good eaters.

5. What is your favorite thing about saltwater? I dont know if I have a favorite thing...its all just so completely different from FW. I do like that SW has so many more inverts.

6. Any future plans/dreams for new systems? This winter's project is going to be setting up a big SW tank. Big as in 70+ not astronomically big :) lol I just have to clear it with the landlord and figure out the best place to put it...oh yeah and buy some shares in a diamond mine or an oil well or a racehorse or something to fund the project ;) hehe I will get my mandarin and some other fish that I've always had fun looking and never imagined actually keeping. I think it will be fun.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
1) I started this with a thread in the Nano section. I had been contemplating a nano for a long time and I saw a thread by Lord road and decided what the hell, Ill take the dive. I was a little intimidated at first, but with so many smart salt water junkies here it eased my tension.

2) Ive been in this for about 4 months (with 1-2 months going to research and ALOT of questions. Not in it long enough to see any significant changes, but after reading some books Im so happy I got into it now with all the new and improved methods.

3) I have a 46 gallon freshwater with cichlids and other fish, and a small ten that really doesnt count as a tnak to me because its so functional on its own. I really have no concern for the freshwater (compared to my nano), but its a nice tnak and I like taking care of them. After starting this sysem it is pretty clear I wont go back to a freshwater unless I keep the 46 for some new fish, its a 95% chance that Ill be only a saltie in comming years.

4) Again I havent had the chance to dive into corals and other critters Id like too (although its EXTREMLEY tempting). I really liked my clowns but unfortunatley I was a dumbass and caused their dimise, but not will take all precautions neccassary. Right now my focus is on a new kaudrens Cardinals fish that is very cool, and my cleaner shrimp; Nothing too hard but there in my care.

5)My favoirte thing about salt water would have to be the self efficient attitude of the tank. The main filtration system is rock with living organisms taken right from the ocean... to me thats awsome. All the critters that appear and in a way maintain your tank is so cool. Plus I really like corals and the fish in the salt sections blow me away. I just cant compare fresh to salt anymore (although I really like discus)

6) This is a hard question because I still dont know where Ill go for school. I am thinking about getting educatoin in marine bioogy and maybe other aquatic areas and either work a cool job at a aquarium or open a fish store. Itd be cool to own a fish store that becomes popular and you can share aquarium advice and such. If I dont go that road I hope to get a large system in the 175-200 range with all the trimmings.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
The history of SALTY WATERS

1. What or who got you into saltwater, and were you intimidated at first because marine systems are said to be costly and difficult?

I had FW tanks when I was younger and then was out of the hobby for many years. I then got back into it when I needed a place to put my parents goldfish from outside into for the winter. Then next summer when the tank was empty got some BW(Brackish) fish, got bord with them and had been researching saltwater and slowly converted my tank with two Mono's into a complete SW tank. That transformation took place in approx. sept 2002. I was pretty confident in my abilities at the time...maybe to confident for my own good! (lol)

2. How long have you been keeping saltwater aquariums, and what was the hobby like when you started, if you began a long time ago?

Approx 3yrs now! not much has changed except my knowledge; Thanks MFT!

3. Do you still keep freshwater tanks, and how do you now feel about freshwater?

Not a chance! I don't think about it.

4. What was the most difficult invert or fish you've kept, and was it worth the cost and time that went into it?

I haven't kept anything to diffecult...I've killed them with lack of knowledge and poor judgement when I first got into the hobby. This includes a Queen Angel, Sailfin Tang, Purple Basslet and some Hammer Coral, Christmas Tree coral...just to name a few. I've now learned the importance of patiance and knowledge.

5. What is your favorite thing about saltwater?

The amazing, unique and beautifull creaters that live in it.

6. Any future plans/dreams for new systems?

Not at the moment.

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Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Well hey Ill give it a shot

1. What or who got you into saltwater, and were you intimidated at first because marine systems are said to be costly and difficult?

The amount of organisms you can house and the variety is astounding, plus Ive always had a love for the ocean and the thought of having a slice of the sea in my house was very appealing. Not intimidated at all, though being more expensive, Ive found saltwater reefs to be more easier than planted tanks.

2. How long have you been keeping saltwater aquariums, and what was the hobby like when you started, if you began a long time ago?

Been keeping them for a year now, finally being able to afford it with my job, been doing freshwater all my life and it got old (even though "all my life" isnt really that long considering I have been on the planet for 16 years)

3. Do you still keep freshwater tanks, and how do you now feel about freshwater?

Its allright... I have a freshwater tank with dwarf cichlids and angels and catfishes, and such, and a pond with koi and goldfish. In the future besides a pond I may not keep freshwater anymore.

4. What was the most difficult invert or fish you've kept, and was it worth the cost and time that went into it?

Havnt tried anything to hard... coral casualties are a frogspawn and a green flowerpot.

5. What is your favorite thing about saltwater?

Variety of organisms and the goal to strive to make it as natural and bio efficient as possible, like a slice out of the sea.

6. Any future plans/dreams for new systems?

Either a 210 gallon or maybe something like a 350 gallon tank once I get a house in the future, I know Im going at least over 180 -200 gallons. This of course will take a while because I do not know where or what Ill be doing in the future as of yet, or, even what country Ill be living in. And of course money.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I got into salt water just out of my fasination with the ocean. I was a little intimidated by the costs of maintaining a salt water aquarium, but i found out the money is way worth it.

It has been about 4 moths since i started my nano.

The only freshwater tank i have that is going to stay is my betta tank. I feel that saltwater is alot easier than freshwater, there is also more color in salt water aquariums, and interesting critters to keep.

I have only kept one type of animal, a mantis shrimp. These are not difficult at all to keep, and are worth the money for their beauty, intelligence, and the fact that most poeple dont keeep them.

My favorie thing about salt water are all the animals that interact with each other on a daily basis.

I am curintly planning a 10 gallon pistol shrimp and goby tank. I will have tons of soft corals such as zoanthids, ricordia, xania, gsp, and some others i havent desided on.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
1. What or who got you into saltwater, and were you intimidated at first because marine systems are said to be costly and difficult?

I had been researching SW for a while, and then found an excellent deal in the classifieds... a running 45g complete set-up, for $130. I imagine I would have had a smaller initial tank eventually, but I like the size of the 45g and it was an incredible deal. The cost was therefore reduced to pretty much the cost of fish/critters, which is still a lot more than FW. I wasn't intimidated by the difficulty, I've found it to be very easy to maintain.

2. How long have you been keeping saltwater aquariums, and what was the hobby like when you started, if you began a long time ago?

I got this tank ~6 months ago. I have a feeling the hobby is still pretty much the same...

3. Do you still keep freshwater tanks, and how do you now feel about freshwater?

I still have mostly FW, and I still enjoy it. I hope to get a decent size tank at a garage sale or something soon, and make it into a cichlid (mbuna) tank. I still enjoy the fish, and my favorite fish continues to be my FW hoplo cat, Stumpy.

4. What was the most difficult invert or fish you've kept, and was it worth the cost and time that went into it?

Well, I haven't tried anything real difficult. I suppose the only thing close would be a peppermint shrimp, which is apparently hard for me cause I killed it.

5. What is your favorite thing about saltwater?

I love the SW angels. They have such great personality and colors.

6. Any future plans/dreams for new systems?

Eventually, I hope to get a 120+ (hopefully +) SW tank and get a Blue Ring and/or Majestic angel, along with some dwarf angels and other fishies. I like to look at corals, but not enough to do a reef tank. They're just too much effort and expense for me. I like the fish the most, then the hermits and shrimp and snails... the corals are nice, but not worth it for me when I can be just as happy with fish only.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
1. I started with a Betta and lost him and then stumbled onto this website and really started to get into fish keeping. After a few months on here I decided to turn my little 7G into a small saltwater tank with a Clownfish and a few crabs, snails and shrimp. Well I then got addicted to it and decided to upgrade and it has gone from there. So I would have to say that you all are culprits. Its your fault that all my money is going to my fish!!! Its your fault that I am addicted to this hobby!!! Its all your fault!!! ....Sorry 'bout that. :D

2. I have a SW tank for about 7 months now. Other than more knowledge on my part not much has changed in my short time keeping SW.

3. I do still have FW tanks. To me fishkeeping isnt complete without one. I enjoy the FW just as much as the SW.

4. I seem to have trouble keeping Blue Tangs (Hippo Tangs) I have had 3 of them and they only seem to last for a couple of months. They seem to be doing really well for that time and then out of no where they have a skin problem and are gone.

5. I love the challenge and the colors.

6. When me and my husband settle down we are planning on haveing about a 400G custom built tank that will house Bamboo Sharks and Rays and maybe some Lookdowns. Fun Predetor Tank. O the dreams you can have! :p