saltwatertank beginner


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
you need to add top off water to make up for evap. my reccomendation would be to put a blck mark on the back of your tank somewhere so you know how high to fill to make up (or keep the tank filled to the lower edge of the rim or something)

as far as pH the saltwater mixes usually have a buffer, the ammonia-nitrite-nitrate thing is the same as FW (ultimately, water changes), and the salinity you have to check whenever you change water to make sure your filling with the proper salinity

as far as pics, when you do "post reply" or "new topic" there is an option to attach images at the bottom

Dec 28, 2004
The Netherlands
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electronic measuring devices

for measuring the saltwater (ammonia, nitrate, Ph, salinity) is it recommended to use an electronic device or the measuring sticks with bottles of drops? I am thinking of importing a device online from Canada or the States because its super expensive here, however from experience I know that imported digital apparatus doesnt work in europe. I think as long as you don't have to plug it in the wall (use batteries instead) it should read fine. Does anyone have experience with this?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Get test kits instead. I have a pH pen, but for everything else I use liquid kits. The electronic stuff is nice to get but barely essential unless you have a megasystem with the probes hooked into control pumps/devices.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Had plenty of kits 'cause i paranoid a lot when starting SW ( even now sometimes ) . I hate strips. Costly and inaccurate ( the Mardel ones ). Don't trust Nutrafin high ph range it just sucks ! The colors aren't even good.
I used salifert powder test and it was worth it ...but it cost me 1 $ everytime i wanted to check and only 1 store in my hood got refills...and the refills quickly disappear.
Now i use Dr. Welfish high range ph ( liquid ) and it costs 7-8 canadian dollars ( so 4-5 in the states ) for 160 times.
Excellent ratio and fairly accurate. Link