SALTY WATERS Photo time :)

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
KahluaZzZ said:
a know a guy who found his firefish dead in a similar anemone..usualy those fishies are quick but this one had his "lair" next to the anemone. The fish could have died just next to it and the anemone grabbed him, but who knows
Yeah I have had that thought in the back of my head for a while now especially since it is starting to get pretty big and I'm not sure, but I think that I read it can grow to like 7-8 inches. And the other day when I was feeding it with a piece of krill stuck on the end of a stick, as I pulled the stick up the krill didn't quite come off the stick nore did the anemone let it go dose it ever have a sticky tentical; I fear for Scooter some times when he swims near! At least the anemone is near the top of the rock work were Scooter only goes once in a while. But it may be time to get ride of this "Hitcher" he's had a free ride long enough! (lol) We will see but not until after my Peru trip.

I also may need to take in "Sally" that crab is now getting to be to big for my 10gl. If I new I had to give up my last 40gl I wouldn't have bought the sally light foot. Very cool crab though!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
ram man said:
i cant get enough of your scooter blenny! i hope i will be able to own one some day. are they like mandarins were they only eat pods?
Yeah Scooter is a beautifull little guy isn't he :)
They say they are picky eaters like the Mandarin but not quite as bad. Scooter is eating sinking pellets mostly and I see him picking at the LR and substrate eating little cryptic animals. I have only had him for about...hmmm, I think like 4-5 months, so it's still to early to say whether he will go the long hall. He seems to be doing really good and has grown in size so things seem to be going in the right direction for him. My pod population seems to be stable, which either means the tank conditions are good and lots of safe spots for them to take cover and as well reproduce! Or that Scooter is actually not even eating them, which wouldn't be the best thing.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
It's a NEW TANK!

Well Camaro guessed it...well actually only part of it!

Okay here is the story; so I go to my LFS and take in a few frags to trade and ended up coming home with a very nice " Green Goniopora" before anyone starts on the difficulties of goniopara and it's very high fatality rate in the home aquarium, "YES" I did my reaserch on this coral species and have made some changes to help accomidated my attempt to keep this very beautifull coral (Pictures will come, hold your horses!) So after acclimating my new frag I quickly find out that maybe I miss judged the amount of room I had left in my what else could I do, of course I had to go buy a new tank, I had NO other options :) So I took my old not in use 40gl tall tank/stand (the one I had before I downsized to my 10g) in to another LFS that takes trade-ins and got myself a brand new 15gl tank/stand. Okay so here is were it starts to take a turn for the bad in terms of my wallet, so I get the new tank and stand set up and of course I have to now have new heaters and another powerhead beacuse I can't use my old ones in a new tank...or at least that is what I convinced myself :) so now everything is set up and ready to do the switch, so as you all notice I posted about how to remove my cucumber...well this is why! any way after acclimating everything over to the new tank (tank had been running for 1night at this time) I was about to transfer my light system which I was sure would fit the new tank...WELL turns out I miss measured that buy 1cm so...ya you guessed it, I of course HAVE to buy a brand new lighting system, what choice did I have; rig up an extention to the old lights..come on let's not get carried away here people I clearly had to buy new ones (or at least that is what I convinced myself) lol. So I will post again soon with pics and all the equipment details, until then...!

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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
SALTY WATERS New 15G Nano Reef Tank

Hi everyone,

Well as promised here are the new specs for my tank. (Sorry no pictures yet, but they are on their way:))


 Coralife 24” Aqualight Power Compact Strip Light w/2 x 65Watt Lamps
o 1 - 65 watt actinic on timer 8:00am - 7:00pm
o 1 - 65 watt 10,000k on timer 10:00am - 5:00pm
 Coralife Aqualight ¾ Watt Lunar Blue Moon-Glow Led Light (x2)
o Both on timer 7:00pm - 12:00am

Temperature Control:

 Jager Heater - 50 Watt (x2)
o Set at 76.5F
 Coralife Battery Operated Digital Thermometer
 Penn Plax Therma-Temp Floating Thermometer w/Suction Cup

Water Flow:

 Zoo Med Power Sweep 212 Powerhead (x2)
o Flow rate 125gph x 2 = 250gph

Live Rock:

 15-20 lbs Tonga Branch & Fiji


 30lbs Carib Sea Crushed Coral


 Green Flower Pot (Goniopora sp.)
 Candy Cane (Caulastrea furcata)
 Devil’s Hand Leather (Lobophytum sp.)
 Metallic Green Star Polyps (?)
 Elegant Moon Polyps (Zoanthus sp.)
 Brown Button Polyps (Palythoa sp.)
 Assorted Mushrooms (Actinodiscus sp.)
o Green Striped
o Green
o Blue
o Spotted


 Pink & Green Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria sp.)
 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
 Banded Brittle Sea Star (Ophiocoma scolopendrina)
 Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes sp.)
 Emerald Mithrax Crab (Mithrax sculptus)
 15-20 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius tricolor)
 2 Lettered Olive Snails (Oliva sayana)
 Rock Flower Anemone (Epicystis crucifer)


 Scooter Blenny (Synchiropus ocellatus)
o Male

Note: I also have a Red Sea Prizm Deluxe Hang-on Protien Skimmer, but I am currently testing the tank without the use of this due to the feeding needs of some of my filter feeding inhabitants.

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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Maintenance Schedule

Hey everyone,

Here is a brakedown of my Maintenance Schedule:

Daily Checks:

 Inhabitants Healthy Looking & Accounted For
 Temperature (75-78F)
 Equipment Operational
o Heaters
o Powerheads
o Lighting
 Specific Gravity (1.024)
o Top-up w/Freshwater As Needed
 pH Level (8.1-8.4)
 Lightly Blast LR w/Turkey Baster To Remove Debris

Weekly Checks:

 Calcium (400-450ppm)
 Iodine (0.06 mg/L)
 Alkalinity (4-6 meq/L)
 Nitrite & Nitrate (Nitrite 0mg/L & Nitrate 0-20mg/L)
 Phosphate (0-0.2mg/L)
 Clean Algae Off Sides Of Glass
 20-25% Water Change (Sunday)
o Mix Saltwater Night Before
o Match Specific Gravity, pH & Temperature To That Of Main Tank (As Stated Above)

Feeding Times:

 Scooter
o Pinch Of Pellets 2x Daily (9-10am) & (5-6pm)
o Use Turkey Baster To Spot Feed

 Filter Feeders
o 2 Drops Refrigerated Zooplankton In Cup Of Tank Water (Monday & Friday)
o ¼ oz Refrigerated Phytoplankton In Cup Of Tank Water (Sunday & Wednesday)
o Whisk 30 Seconds
o Use Turkey Baster To Spot Feed

 Invertebrates
o Frozen Krill (Sunday 8-9pm)
• Use Feeding Stick To Spot Feed
o Frozen Mysis Shrimp (Wednesday 8-9pm)
• Use Turkey Baster To Spot Feed

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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
wayne said:
What are you doing 'special' to keep the goniopora going? There's nothing listed there
Exellent question wayne! Here is what I have changed:

1- Upped my lighting from a 28watt to a new 2x 65 (10,000k/Actinic) watt w/lunar lighting as shown above

2- Added a second powerhead bringing my total flow rate to 250 gph (tank is turned over 16.5 x per/hr

3- I removed my Sally lightfoot from the tank (he would have caused damage to the goniopora from climing on it like he did my bubble coral)

4-I also am testing a skimmerless system to help with the filter feeding

5-I upgraded the tank from my 10g to the new 15g to accomidate the room needed to keep the goniopora away from neighbouring coral.

6-I have and continue to do research on the care of this species.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1.OK, except I would be sorely tempted to not bother with the actinic
2. OK - these things live in pretty mild current areas in nature, matching 16 x.3
4. Are you going to plumb in the 10 as a refugium. As I'm sure you're aware you're going to have to feed the thing, and not much 'off the shelf' is going to help. It seems to me ther people who have had success withthese either have large refugiums or in display sandbeds to stir up for food material
6. I'm sure you've seen the long running thread on reefcentral then?