Setting up 10 gallon. Need help.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Yeah, you just doubled your stock, so check your water parameters regularly and be prepared to do daily partial water changes if needed. Don't go crazy on the feeding either, and putting a live plant or two in there will also help . . . .
Would love to see pics!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; By reading two threads that appeared on this forum titled “Water change size” in the freshwater beginner information/questions section and “stocking density opinion” in the freshwater general discussion section, you may gain some insight.

As you will see, the range of opinions about how many fish can be stocked in a tank and how often and how much to change water is vast. With regard to the opinions favoring the ultra low stocking of fish. The working theory, as explained to me by at least one member, is that people new to the hobby do not know how to properly take care of a tank and therefore should be encouraged to stock very lightly. That makes sense and I do endorse the notion that there should be fewer problems if you start with low stocking. Also if you start with low numbers, there will be fewer fish to lose when a rookie mistake is made. I guess the biggest issue, for me, is that these recommendations do not seem to read as advice only for those new to the hobby. They read, to me, like an ongoing standard.

I have set up 10 gallon tanks with stocking densities equal to and higher than you have now many times in the past. These tanks did well over quite a long time.

I started reading these forums last year. I began to think about how I had kept tanks over several decades in light of the posts that did not seem to match my experience. I eventually started the thread titled “stocking density opinion”. I eventually got some reasoned responses on that thread. I also got some responses that can best be described as unreasoned personal attacks. I was a bit surprised that some were so quickly willing to dismiss decades of hands-on experience.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Read thru the thread again and agree that some live plants in a tank are a benefit. There are several non rooted plants that can be tossed in a tank and simply allowed to float. I have hornwort now, but there are others.

Apr 21, 2011
According to my opinion If your filter pad is one of the ones that's like a sponge, you can cut it in half and put half in your new tank's filter, and put half of the one from the new tank in your old tank's filter.Just be sure to test the water frequently in both tanks for ammonia spikes, as both will only have half their regular bi-filter at first as a result.oat of the tetra and raspberry family stays small and would be ok in a 10gal. Cardinals, neon, spear, phantom, rummy nose are of few of the many good ones. Add a small cor cat or 2 and your good to go. Guppies would be a good alternative.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
Hello all.

I'd like to thank all of you for the great help and support I've gotten over the past couple months setting up my 10 gallon tank. It's now fully (actually probably over) stocked thanks to your help. My fish are doing great and it's a amazing feeling providing them a good home. Thanks again and here are some pictures!

I'm not the best photographer. :D


May 4, 2011
In regards to the gravel vac, it works easiest like a gravity pump. This means it will work best when the exit is facing downward. For example if you want to siphon water from a tank to a bucket, put the bucket below the tank and pump until the water begins running out of the tube, then it will continue on its own. If you want to siphon water from a bucket to a tank, I do not see why you would be ok, place the bucket higher than the tank. Don't worry about what 1 person tells you though either me or the Petsmart girl yes your tank was a little overstocked but no one person can tell you if your tank is going to make it or not. You did the intelligent thing coming and asking a plethora of people and not just 1 person. Personally I would add some live plants or a second filter but I am a newbie as well, just parroting what I see more experienced users doing regularly with success. Good luck with your new fish, we all make mistakes.

Nov 5, 2009
as far as overstocking is concerned, ive been running almost 200% stocking for about a year with no major problems to speak of. just the usual stuff, algae blooms and such. you just got to stay on top of your parameters and water changes. as long as you only put fish in that will stay small enough for the tank and ensure that they have enough room to comfortably keep to themselves, and can ensure proper water quality you're fine with whatever you throw in there (ensuring the fish are compatible of course). that being said the more fish you have the more work you'll have to do to to keep the tank healthy. so its a trade off. but dont listen to the people who say that you shouldn't get a fish because you'l be 10% overstocked. they're being way too uptight.

the one thing i would definitely recommend is adding another filter. aqadvisor says your filtration capacity is at 80%. i'm not sure what kind you have so i just plugged in an aqueon quietflow 10. filtration is one thing you never want to be short on.

awsome looking tank! keep up the great work*thumbsups


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
Thanks a bunch! That was kind of my thinking as far as stocking goes.

I have a AquaTech 5-15 filter, which is the stock one that came with the kit. It's doing pretty well. I'm thinking I will upgrade to a 20 gallon filter sometime.

I don't have a test kit actually, I've set up the tank and cycled it without one with absolutely no problems. I probably should get one.... *BOUNCINGS

I've been doing water changes every 3-5 days that are about 40% which actually is quite easy. I don't have a problem doing it that frequently.

Any filter recommendations? I'm going to put a cut in half pop bottle on the bigger filter so that it diverts to flow. I currently have that mod on my 10 gallon filter too. I don't have enough space for a second filter, which would probably be easier to do but I would have to tear apart my hood to do that.