Setting up a planted aquarium


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Black would look good I reckon.

We bough 4 angelfish today. 2 larger pale gold ones, and 2 smaller black and whites. The two gold seem to already have paired off, they are always together :D

I'd say they were a bargain too, at £4 each. The larger ones have been at least £15 each in other shops we've been to. And the smaller ones around £10 each. So I'm chuffed :D

I'll get some pics when they keep still!


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Visit site
Tried my best with the pics, but my camera isn't that good. This was the best I could get, out of over 100 pics.

The larger gold ones. There is a little tail damage, the tank they were in was Tiny, and there were 8 angels and tonnes of phantom tetra. I picked out what I thought were the nicest of the lot. Tell me what you think.

This little guy was really getting picked on in the tank, I chose him in the hope that he'd fare better in my larger tank, he's been ok so far. He has red colouring on his gills, kinda like rosy cheeks. I was concerned about that but the shop man said thats just its colouring.

And the last little one

And I posted this as its the clearest pic I took, pity he wasnt side on LOL



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the little one is marbled, and the others are either koi angels or are simple albinos (I cant tell cuz of the lighting)

it would be best if they all pair so you'll have 2 pairs :)