well i think i might try something wierd. I am going to go out and buy two ten gallon tanks. I am going to build a stand for them to be one on top of the other with a 1 foot gap between them. I will pump water from my 29 gal into my first (top) ten gal. I will get some acrylic sheets and make this my trickle filter. I will then siphon the water out of there into the ten gal tank below. This will be where my protien skimmer, heater, etc... will be. Then a pump will pump the water out of the lower tank and back into the 29 gal. I will also have a tube (1/8-1/4 inch) going from my tank to the lower ten gal with a controlable valve so that i can maintaine a constant water level in case there is a descrepency between the siphon going to my lower ten and the pump that is pumping the water back to the tank.
This is a project in the making. I will keep you up to date on how it is going ( might be a couple days or a week till i start)
This is a project in the making. I will keep you up to date on how it is going ( might be a couple days or a week till i start)