Shrimp or snails? Pic incl.


Small Fish
Feb 2, 2009
I was convinced these babies were shrimp but my husband said they might be mystery snails so now I'm uncertain. I have several adult ghost shrimp and one Mystery Snail. I put some of the babies in a fish bowl that were sucked out of the bigger tank while vaccuuming to get a better look at them. After the pics I moved them into their own tank. I've Googled pics of shrimp and snails & I'm still stumped. If this helps with identification, they stay mostly in the gravel. These two pics were the best I could do after taking 10 or so. Can anyone positively ID these creatures?



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Snails, although they looked more like pond snails than mystery snails to me.

I believe Ghost Shrimp need brackish conditions for breeding.

EDIT: You're referring to the stuff on the top right corner, right?


Small Fish
Feb 2, 2009
Yes, reffering to the top right...
I thought I'd add a pic of my poor snail. It's not too pretty but had to buy it anyway. This is the only snail I have so this would have to be the parent. I guess my husband was right, I was hoping they were ghost shrimp. Anyway, isn't this a mystery snail?

Forgot to add: This snail was in an aquarium with one or two yellow ones when I purchased it.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yes, it's a mystery snail. I believe they need a male and female to reproduce though, and they produce a clutch of pink eggs above water.

Pond snails stay pretty small, and reproduce like rabbits!

The pond snail is the smaller of the two in this picture.



Small Fish
Feb 2, 2009
I'm thinking maybe snail eggs came in with my plants, that were supposed to be pest free. They do look similar in coloration to the pond snails. These babies don't attach themselves to the glass or glide like the adult snail. I'm not sure how to describe this... They kind of hop or move in short little jumps. I can't use the word run, lol... but they move fast and duck in and out of the rocks. That's why I didn't think they were snails. I am going to try and record this, highly unlikely I can do it but will give it a try. Here's hoping it works.