shy fish?

Usually Petco lets you bring back the fish in a set number of days for store credit. I'm assuming the deadline for that has probably passed for the pleco...Petco will still take it, but you get nothing for him. Privately owned fish stores might pay you or give store credit, but you'd have to find one first. You can also post on Craigslist and sell it to some inexperienced noob who'll end up in the same situation as you...:)

Stay away from undergravel filters, I hear they suck. Live plants also get their roots tangled in them.

To compare: I spent several hours emptying my 20g and 5g and setting up my 55g. (That includes the stand, vacuuming where I want it, filling it with water, putting the gravel in, etc.) You'll have to get extra gravel so don't forget to wash it first!

Weekly water changes are necessary, I usually do a 25% wc every two weeks actually. I vacuum the gravel at the same time.

Sep 25, 2008
I only have one frog but i mean its kinda fun. He swims to the top and bottom quite a bit and around but other than that he just lands places and poses lol. I don't see much in him but my girlfriend absolutely loves him and threatens to leave me for him. :\


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
LOL Froggy pimp!

Go with a HOB if you switch. They're pretty darn good. If petco doesn't take the fish back, like kissy said... Private stores should. My pet-co took back a fish I had no receipt for (store credit only) because it was in good shape (means a re-sale for them). So I dunno.

Filters are good.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
A 30g tank will be pretty nice and actually can be alot less work than an overstocked small tank.

Those ADF like company. They will even sleep in piles and play together.

In the 30g tank though feedings might be harder as they have por eyesight and might not find the food.

Try going for an Otto instead of the Pleco.

Sep 25, 2008
Are aquarium plants neccisary in bigger tanks? Care to share any pics of your ottos you have? I don't know why but plecos have always been my favorite fish. My current ones name is munchies, and hes the man.

Sep 25, 2008
ahh man thats no good, sorry for your loss. He caught my eye on the internet, so im sure he was a good shrimpy. Im about to call my fish store "the reef" about trading or taking my fish. Ah i was looking at oscars but i read that they need a 75g+ :[. They wouldn't do good in a 30g would they.. figured i'd ask cuz they look like really neat fish but probably not. Are they're any substitutes for oscars, like look-a-likes? I think im just going to get new fish for the bigger tank. Are there any advantages with ottos over plecos? As i said before what if i just got another kind of pleco that doesn't grow to be 18''. Sorry i have so many questions but in the past year i've really fallen in love with aquariums and fish it all started with wanting to go to the georgia aquariaum..

Otos are a lot smaller than plecos. They only get like 1 1/2 inches max! And they're cute. You could also try a rubberlip or bristlenose pleco. They only get 6 inches I think.
If you like oscars, you could look into cichlids. I'm planning to get two GBRs (German Blue Rams) for my 55g as soon as I get a decent filter. They are absolutely beautiful and very colorful! Do a Google image search on those.

Sep 25, 2008
ahhh help! As i said in previous posts i have a 5 gal witha pictus catfish and a pleco. I got rid of the rainbow shark and the frog kicked the bucket :[. My catfish has been swimming upside down all day and lays on the tanks floor upside down and swims kinda on the side, what does this mean??