I had two bettas, Ceo and gizmo, Ceo died of a bacterial fungus before I could take care of it
And now about a month later, gizmo has the same thing.
I've been changing his water daily, or atleast every other day, and medicating him with Splendid Betta:betta fix rememdy, I know the best thing to use is Jungle's Fungus eliminator, but I have no way to get to the pet store where they sell it, as it's miles from my home. I was hoping there might be some other things I could try and hope for the best. I feel terrible for him, and even worse that I can't get what he needs to get better. He was very lathargic the past few days, but today so far he has been quite a bit more active, but certiantly not back to his normal self. Also, he wasn't flaring up to anything, and today I managed to get him to flare at a mirror.
I appriciate any responses greatly
thank you
And now about a month later, gizmo has the same thing.
I've been changing his water daily, or atleast every other day, and medicating him with Splendid Betta:betta fix rememdy, I know the best thing to use is Jungle's Fungus eliminator, but I have no way to get to the pet store where they sell it, as it's miles from my home. I was hoping there might be some other things I could try and hope for the best. I feel terrible for him, and even worse that I can't get what he needs to get better. He was very lathargic the past few days, but today so far he has been quite a bit more active, but certiantly not back to his normal self. Also, he wasn't flaring up to anything, and today I managed to get him to flare at a mirror.
I appriciate any responses greatly
thank you