sick tetra


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hmmm i wonder if it wasn't a bacterial infection. All but one of the penguin tetras have died now. There's just one little guy hanging in on his own. The FS said their penguin tetras haven't been doing so well and they recommended also buying hardier fish. After so many deaths i'm quite ready and willing to go along with that.

New problem: there are two dwarf frogs and two female bettas in the penguin tetra tank ( 20g ). This is my healthiest tank... zero nitrites/ammonia etc. One of the females is sick. She isn't eating, hangs at the surface in the same corner constantly and looks very bloated. She's one of my original fish and i really don't want to lose her ( not that i wanted to lose any of the others either but you know what i mean ) Do you think she has the same thing the tetras had? Or is this bloating something else? Can i treat it?

Update on 55g: dare i say it's looking okay for now? There is a small amount of nitrite... .3 or less. No more fish died.

Update on 10g: no nitrites etc. It's looking good and not cloudy anymore. I'm scared to death to put fish in it now though. I'm thinking of starting with 3 cory's as someone here recommended and taking it nice and slow.

Update on 5g had about 5 guppies die now including the one replacement guppie. We have 3 left. The FS said it was probably because they aren't very hardy and also recommended something better able to tolerate the trip home. However, there are two dwarf frogs in that tank also and one of them has this white fuzzy stuff all over his one leg and foot. :( They said it's a fungus. He may have had it before or the tank has it. The tank is pretty new and only ever had the guppies and frogs and they were all put in at the same time. I've been told it's not worth trying to treat the frog as the cure may kill him. Would you agree with this?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Well the dwarf frog died last night. I suspect the fuzzy white stuff may have been skin because he was stuck to the filter when i found him and all the white stuff was gone. From what i've read he probably stopped eating and therefore the skin built up??
I find it hard to believe the LFS's don't give instructions regarding covering the filters and covering any holes in the top of the fish tank. Thank G*d none have jumped out but i've had one go completely through the filter and one sick and stuck to it. :(

My girl betta is definately dying. So i will just have the two frogs, one penguin tetra and one girl betta in the 20g. Pretty lonely looking little tank. I am thinking the penguins gave my betta whatever they had as she has been in the healthy 20g for a long time doing just fine. :(