Simple (maybe stupid!) SW Newbie Question

Jun 29, 2008
thanks for all the help...i picked most everything up this weekend and am just waiting for the stand to come in....

i will definitley follow your instructions as i setup the tank!!

At what point should I install the protein skimmer?? Before adding salt when i install the powerheads? OR as Bob Fenner suggests, AFTER the cycle is done?

thank you all!!

Last edited:
Jun 29, 2008
ok thanks again!! i am getting a really excited.

i was at the LFS today and all i can is WOW in regard to the different colored SW fish and types of live rock (correct term??)

How does one gauge the appropriate amount of stocking for their tank? especially since live rock AND fish are involved?

thank you for your help!!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
each fish has different needs and compatability what you want to do is dream up a wish list of fish and then start to add them slowly starting with the most docile adding the most aggressive last. I would suggest that you post your list here and we will gladly give you our opinion as most of us here have had a very large variety and can give you hands on experience. Most lfs are just trying to sell fish and aren't really that concerned with the ethical placement ie. tangs in small (less than 125g tanks) In saltwater the number of fish is more relevant to their individual needs, some need linear swimming room though they may be smaller etc. Some need specific area for territorial reasons etc. so any help we can give you we will