Some new pics

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Lorna said:
Banked the substrate, now that is very funny. That is all done compliments of my diamond gobie, he moves sand around from front to back, side to side. Piles it up, tears it down a regular workhorse. I have given up trying to even out the sand bed. He will just move it all where he wants it. I saw him stealing sand from under my clams last night.......and them moving clear across the other side of the tank.

Looks like he knows what looks good ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
They move the sand by the mouthful. One after another they gulp it in then swim over where they want it and spit it out. They are always sifting sand through their gills to catch anything they want to eat too. When I first put him in he created quite a dust storm but after a few days it settled down. Now I only get duststorms when he goes on a rampage of rebuilding.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
the 20g has a aquaclear 70 powerhead and an old aqualclear hob filter that I retro'd into a refugium. I have a cpr bakpak2 skimmer on it. At the moment I only have a current satellite power compact with a 65w pc in it. I want to upgrade it current orbit 2x65w light. Everything seems to be doing fine in there as it is.